6 A New Shadow

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EDITED 2024-05-14

It's been a while since I've read/watched InuYasha. I can't remember If I mentioned this on Wattpad but this story is canon until Chapter 174 of the manga except that everyone is 3 human years older (so InuYasha (physically) and Kagome are 17 instead of 15 and the canon chronological/biological ages shift accordingly). 

It seems like I'm not receiving emails from FF.Net again. I'll be checking to see if I can see comments in a few days. Please let me know that you've received the email for this chapter in the reviews and on WP and Ao3 if you have an account.

6 A New Shadow


The snake rose slowly and we tensed. The reptile bowed its head at me before slowly slithering out of the bowl and to the right side of the room. Once it was as far away from me as possible, it coiled up in the shadows.

"Who sent it?"

Kagura flinched, "We don't know. It was the first gift presented this morning. Whoever placed it did so while the guards were rotating shifts."

Curious. The snake was not displaying aggressive behaviour so it was unlikely to be an assassination attempt. And yet the snakes behaviour was... peculiar. It was staring at me from the shadows and not once did it acknowledge Kagura's presence.

"Investigate this matter immediately. Insure the guards are aware that I expect this breach of security to be fixed before I leave this room."

Paying no mind to Kagura as she bowed after me dismissal, I watched the snake. For the first time it's eyes left me, it was tracking Kagura's departure. Once I heard the door close, I had the snake's full attention once more. We studied each other in silence. The snakes scales were a dark grey while it's skin was black. It's eyes were also black accept for the white slit pupils. It did not resemble any of the species native to this land or the ones in the surrounding area.

Interesting, I thought.

"How did something like you come to appear on my door step," I wondered out loud.

Suddenly a small pulse of yokai energy pulsed from the snake. Not enough to be notice by the humans in the palace or strong enough to register as a threat. It was almost like... a greeting.

"If you do not reveal yourself and your purpose for being here I will not hesitate to slaughter you."

Miasma and yokai energy started wafting off my body slowly filling the room with it's suffocating pressure. A moment went by before the shadows around the snake wriggled. The shadows under the snake seemed to bend as though something was pushing it's way through. I watched in fascination as the snake lazily moved to a more secure position around the neck of the man that appeared underneath it while emerging from the shadows.

"My apologies for the deception Naraku. I needed a way to meet with you without running in to your little traitor sorceress. Her lips are rather... loose around a certain Lord of the West and that could be detrimental to my plans. I am Kaage and I believe it would be beneficial to work with you. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

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