Chapter 1: Take A Hike

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Disclaimer: I Don't Own Glee But I Wish I Did.

5 Years Earlier

Rachel watched herself in the mirror turning to all angles, making sure her dress was just right. This black number was her 'best impressions' number with a nice, low-but-modest rounded neck, hugging her curves in the right places and ending just a little above her knees. She fumbled through her shoes, eventually deciding on a pair of mid-heels. Rachel hadn't been on many dates in her life. The two she had been on were disasters. They had both been in high school. The first boy turned out to be all sorts of creepy, almost as though he was infatuated with her from an instance. The second barely noticed her on the date. He spoke of himself, asked her questions but proceeded to answer them- about himself.

It had been two years since Rachel had graduated from high school and had concentrated on her budding career as a musician. She focused on her studies at Julliard, majoring in Vocal Arts. Opera wasn't what she aimed for but since she had the abilities for it; her fathers had encouraged her to seek upon it, giving her an advantage for when she would eventually be given the chance to perform on Broadway someday. That or use her talents to inspire and help others around her. Maybe have her own music school someday. Who knows?

Rachel looked around her lounge to where her purse had been left, grabbing her keys and phone, making sure everything was there. Her date was supposed to arrive at 7. It was now 7.30 and he was still a no show. She knew it was a bad idea to let her roommate and best friend to convince her to go on a blind date. Sarah, who she had known ever since kindergarten and could easily be considered the sister she never had, told Rachel all about this guy she had met at one of her classes. He was supposedly cute, tall and very charming. After a long debate about why Rachel needed to get back into the dating game, she finally caved in and agreed. Of course, Sarah neglected to mention that she had a thing for this guy's best friend and since they'd both been on a few dates together, thought Rachel and Jason's friend Finn could hook up and they could all go on double dates. Convenient.

It was now 8.30pm and 'Finn' still hadn't shown. Sitting by her window, tapping her fingers and singing to herself Rachel began to wonder if this guy would ever show. Eventually, she grabbed her phone and dialled Sarah's number.

'I hate you' she grumbled into her phone as Sarah picked up.

'I love you too Rae, what's up? How is the date going? Heated up huh? Phoning to give me all the gory details so far?' Sarah mused excitedly; Rachel could sense her friends excitement and giddiness.

'NO!' She exasperated, 'This supposed 'charmer' you've set me up with is an HOUR late. He can't be much of a charmer if he can't even tell time. I don't know why I even agreed to this. I swore off dating until after college and a good job.' She listened to Sarah's response as she blew at her curls, watching them bounce up and down with each blow on them.

'Come on Rae, it's been 3 years since your last date. You're 19 going on 20, live a little. Besides, Jason swears Finn is a nice guy and that you'd both make a very cute and musical couple. Did I tell you Finn plays the drums and majors in Percussion? Didn't you say you have a thing for drummers? Something about the beat of a drum? He may be YOUR drummer Ray'

Rachel let out a sigh, 'a drummer you say?' she whispered. 'Fine, I'll give it 15 more minutes before I give up on this. You owe me big time Fluff. You just want me to date this guy so we can all hang out and go on double dates'

'That may be true Rae but it's also because I love you and want you to be as happy as I am. Have fun sweetie. I'll see you when I get home tomorrow morning'. With that, Sarah ended the call just in time for the doorbell to ring.

Rachel stood up, checking her hair and face in the mirror one last time before walking over to the door. As she opened it, she liked what she saw. He really was cute. She instantly noticed his cute smile and adorable dimples. She liked how his hair was styled a little like Jimmy Neutrons. He was also tall like Sarah said. Like REALLY tall. She almost wished she had picked out her highest pair of stilettoes. Giving him a quick look over from top to toe, she noticed he was wearing a pair of jeans, a plain black v neck and a leather jacket on top. She felt as though he made no effort, looking like he just rocked up. Realising neither had said anything yet she started off the introductions.

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