Chapter 13: Revelations

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Finn and Rachel had 3 days to sort everything out before they left for Lima, Ohio; for Burt and Carole's wedding on the Saturday. Blaine, Kurt and Tyler and caught an earlier flight and Santana would be arriving the day before the wedding.

Rachel loved the idea of being Carole's maid of honour and felt like she finally had the mother- daughter relationship she craved for. During the few days that Carole had lived with them she treated Rachel with so much care and love and often told her how proud she was of her. Rachel always imagined that if she had ever met her biological mother, it would be something like that, but she never did find out. As a way of showing her gratitude Rachel wanted to do something special for Carole and enlisted the help of Finn. They managed to perfect it during their free time and often practiced while around the house.

Thursday evening came fast and they found themselves with a cranky toddler on the plane. Cassie herself was perfecting her walking and attempted to take steps on her own but failed. She did however, like to be a free child and crawl or walk aided at all times, so sitting on a plane became an issue. Eventually, after a 10 minute tantrum, she wore herself out and fell asleep, leaving Rachel to doze off for a few moments too.

Finn, who sat on the other side of Cassie used this time to write a song for 'The Smiths' having finally told them of his writing talent on an agreement that it wasn't to be told to anyone else. As he wrote the lyrics down on his notebook he hummed it quietly under his breath. What he hadn't realised was Rachel was listening while she pretending to sleep.

She quietly listened to him sing under his breath, looking out of the window. He usually used the guitar to practice writing songs so it was quite endearing to hear just his vocals. Her eyes slit open as she watched him wondering what inspired it.

'I should ink my skin with your name
And take my passport out again and just replace it
See I could do without a tan on my left hand where my fourth finger meets my knuckle
And I should run you a hot bath and fill it up with bubbles
'Cos maybe you're loveable and maybe you're my snowflake
And your eyes turn from brown to grey in the winter I'll hold you in a cold place
And you should never cut your hair 'cos I love the way you flick it off your shoulder
And you will never know just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up'

He turned around to face her when he caught her closing her eyes shut.

He chuckled lightly watching her pretending to be asleep. Picking up the pen in his hand he slowly took it near her nose waiting for her to react. He inched closer to her nose grazing the tip of her nose with the end of the lid before she quickly opened her eyes and slapped the pen away.

'What did you do that for? I was asleep' she tried her hardest to sound annoyed at him possibly disturbing her sleep.

'Not many people I know who sleep with their eyes open' he chuckled, poking her arm with the pen.

'Fine!' she was defeated. 'I couldn't help it alright. What were you singing?' She sat herself up to turn her body towards Finn. Cassie, who sat between them, had now dropped her head in what looked like a very uncomfortable position. Rachel carefully lay her down so her head was rested on her thigh while her tiny feet just about reached Finn's.

Finn looked away, once more, a little panicked. 'Just something the boy's wanted me to write for the band. We're all trying to come up with something.' He gave her a quick and shy side-smile before closing the book.

'It sounded beautiful Finn. Suits your voice. I liked the arrangements. Maybe you should ask them to let you sing it, like, an acoustic version or something.' She tried her best to encourage him, she meant every word.

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