Chapter 15: The Walking and Talking Of It All

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Two weeks had gone by since Finn and Rachel had discovered the new found status in their relationship and they were enjoying every single part of it. It was much nicer than being friends and it was much nicer to be able to be together in most ways bar one; it was still soon for that.

Their happiness was beginning to rub off on Cassie too; She was less cranky now, was coping better with her teething and was working her way to walking on her own, unaided.

They spent most of their days as they usually did, separating their time between their voice and drumming lessons and spending time with Cassie if not with each other. They had worked out schedules where, if Finn was directing a lesson, then Rachel had Cassie and vice versa. Everything was working out as smoothly as possible and life was starting to look on the brightside again. They were both also working on getting to know the neighbours better, especially Rachel as she hadn't had much of an opportunity before.

They hadn't been able to go on a date since Finn's surprise date but that was all Rachel needed to be happy and she felt like she had more than she could ask for. Finding a babysitter whom Cassie was comfortable with was becoming a difficulty, especially since Finn and Rachel didn't quite know what to look for when advertising for a sitter. To keep with life's comforts for the moment, Rachel and Finn had decided they would have date nights every Sunday night, cooking for each other and snuggling up together to watch a movie. Truth be told, they had grown accustomed to spending time with each other like this and it was what they preferred, because come on, who wouldn't prefer snuggling up to their boyfriend or girlfriend to a night out?

Rachel was still having trouble believing Finn was her boyfriend. Of course, the rest of the world who didn't know them too well thought they were engaged but this step was something new to the both of them and it took some getting used to. For example, Rachel could still get used to listening to Finn tell her he loves her every morning when she wakes up and hear it as the last thing before she went to bed. She could get used to the excess cuddles and kisses she never thought she'd share with Finn. She could get used to watching Finn with Cassie and admiring his fatherly moments and marvel at how this little family was hers. These were all things she never thought she would have in a million years and yet, here she was. It might not have come to her in the ideal way but Rachel's life at this very moment seemed perfect.

Finn loved the fact that Rachel was his girlfriend. He loved being able to tell her he loved her first thing in the morning and last thing at night. He loves hearing it back. It felt like a dream to him. Like everything he had ever wanted was given to him and more, but it wasn't a dream at all. It was happening and he wouldn't change it for the world. The fact that they were really a couple now made their lie about being engaged less problematic as it was close enough to the truth because one thing was for sure, Finn would really like to make it a reality someday. He may have only been Rachel's 'boyfriend' for two weeks but he's known her for longer than that and possibly loved her always. Watching Rachel play with Cassie just made him feel more elated, he had his own family now. As he watched her, he could totally imagine a few little Finn's and Rachel's playing in the lounge as they stayed cuddled on the couch. Ironically though, his imagination always showed him something like that and only in recent years had that face always been Rachel's. Why it took him this long to figure out, he had no idea.

After the discussion about Rachel's business idea they had on their date, both Finn and Rachel agreed to discuss it with Mercedes as soon as possible. While the plans were being set in motion they had figured that not only was it a good investment for them independently but it was a good investment for Cassie's future too. Knowing that Rachel was apprehensive of going into business together; because for her, that was a major commitment, though, when talking about it, neither could figure out what was a bigger commitment than the life they were currently living together; Finn wanted to show her how serious he was by making a grand gesture. A week after they'd revealed their feelings to one another, Rachel had brought Finn drumsticks and drum keys with the words 'catch me' etched on them alongside a star to remind him of their first moment of THE best revelation. He wondered how he could show her a similar gesture before he remembered what he once told her. To make it happen, he arranged for her to go out with Santana and Kurt with Cassie while he got his gesture in gear.

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