Chapter 14: Second First Date

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Rachel woke five minutes before the alarm was set to go off. Feeling unusually happy, like, jump over a bright and colourful rainbow into a pool of gold while flying on a unicorn kind of happy, she let out a silent squeal at the memories of yesterday. The wedding itself was beautiful, but everything else that came with it; she couldn't have asked for more, never in a million years would she have guessed that would happen. She looked to see Finn sleeping soundly, a little drool leaving his mouth. How does such a giant still manage to be so cute? She looked down to see Cassie still fast asleep, her legs and arms sprung out freely, taking up much of the centre of the bed.

Was this real or was she dreaming it all? Did her and Finn really kiss? forget that, did they really tell each other they loved the other? Like, love the other. Noting that the alarm would go off any second now, she decided she would wake Finn up herself.

Propping herself up slowly so she wouldn't wake Cassie up, she leaned over on her right elbow inching her face closer to Finns. She blew lightly up and down the bridge of his nose but got no reaction. To a normal person, that tickle would irritate their nose but not Finn.

'Fiiiinnnn' She called lightly; still no reaction. Desperate times called for desperate measures she assumed. Wiping his drool with her thumb lightly, she placed a lingering soft kiss on his lips.

'Hmmm' Finn mumbled, still sleeping. So she did it again, but this time she could feel Finn's lips spread into a smile. She didn't expect him to grab her and turn on to her.

'Finn! Cassie' Rachel laughed as she tried to catch her breath. Finn quickly went from flirty to panic as he made sure he hadn't crushed the kid. Cassie was oblivious to what had just happened, however, with sound of the alarm going off, her eyes sprung open and she was a bit squirmy.

Leaning in for another quick kiss Finn greeted Rachel.

'Morning babe. I could get used to this' he smirked at Rachel.

'What? Crush an unsuspecting toddler?' she teased as she brushed Cassie's hair with one hand to ease the little girl out of her sleep.

'You're the size of a toddler, I'd crush you any day' he nudged her getting a nudge back as he made her go red in the face.

'That was the best wake-up call I've ever had' he exclaimed.

'Might happen some more if you play your cards right' Rachel teased him flirtatiously, giving him another kiss.

Breaking away from Rachel, Finn picked Cassie up giving her a morning cuddle and kiss on the cheeks.

'I'm so glad yesterday happened. I don't think I've ever felt this happy before' Rachel told Finn.

'Me too. But are we sure we want to do this?' Rachel's brows furrowed with Finn's words.

'What I mean is; you are one of the best things to have happened to me in my life. Taking that step with you was one of the greatest decisions I've made, but what if we jeopardise our friendship? I can't handle the thought of being without you'. He concentrated on playing with Cassie as he said this, not looking Rachel in the face, just the thought of it as he said it breaking him a little.

Propping herself up to kneel, she turned his face towards hers as she kept her hand to his cheek.

'Finn, don't you think I've contemplated that too? It scares me to think that this might not work out but what if it does Finn? I believe things happen for a reason and us, coming together like this yesterday, happened for a reason' She looked him dead in the eyes, him taking in every one of her words.

'How did I get so lucky?' He asks her, a small smile appearing on his face.

'We've just got to make sure we take things slow. Not rush into things. We carry on as we were, we stay in our own rooms, we do what we normally do, only now we can do things like this'.

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