Chapter 12: Victories

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Breakfast started off in complete silence, last night's revelations still playing on their minds. While Finn focused on feeding Cassie, talking only to her, Rachel silently prepared breakfast for the two of them.

It was never like this. Silence between Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry lasted less than 10 minutes if anything. For it to go on for more than an hour was unusual, and uncomfortable, especially since they were living together.

Tidying up after breakfast, Finn left Cassie in her play pen which was in view from the kitchen, hoping he could try and lighten the mood with Rachel somehow.

He walked over to the sink where Rachel was washing the dishes, he grabbed a cloth so he could do the wiping, making sure they were both close enough to be unable to avoid some sort of conversation. Almost like Rachel was reading his mind she started the conversation,

'This is odd huh?' She didn't even bother looking at him. 'I hope we can move beyond it, for Cassie's sake. She should be our main priority now. Any differences we have, we need to push aside.'

Finn looked at her confused. She was right, Cassie was their main priority, but as far as he was aware, they didn't have any differences. He was sort of certain that they were more along the lines of being on the same page.

She finished the last dish and wiped her hands with the towel. He watched her grab the wiped dishes to put away when he noticed the ring missing from her finger.

Taking a hold of her left hand he looked at it, stopping her in her track as she became a bit panicky.

'Why did you take off the ring?' the sadness was present in his tone.

'I erm, took it off when I took a shower last night. I must have forgotten to put it back on', this of course was half true. She did take it off when she took a shower but she hadn't forgotten to put it back on. It felt odd on her finger after last night. For some reason, it felt like Finn didn't want it there.

'Are you sure that's all it was' Finn asked rubbing the spot where the ring should be.

'I…I…' why couldn't she answer him?

'I'd like for you to wear it again, please Rach' she wouldn't let her eyes meet his. 'I don't know what happened between us last night. I was hurt at you going through something that was private to me but now I realise I shouldn't have hidden it from you. I've never shared it with anyone before apart from our producer but I didn't want the world to know how I was feeling.'

She let her eyes meet his face; she could see the sincerity. 'I didn't want you to know how I was feeling. I've always been a basic guy to you, the one that let you down that night' His eyes finally met hers. He could see her taking in his words.

'Finn, you have always been more than that to me. We started off on the wrong terms but you became my friend slowly. One of the closest ones I have. I'm sorry for going through your book. I spoke to Santana last night and she helped me see that it wasn't fair on you for me to expect you to show me everything you are.' Her big brown eyes started to bore into him and he could tell that she meant every word. 'You owe me nothing'.

'I have always been that intense psycho as you like to call me', her referral to his nickname for her made them both chuckle, lightening the tension. 'I get why you feel like you can't be yourself around me, like I'll mock you or something' Her face looked sad once again.

'Rach, you're the only one I can be myself around. I have been. It's just… you are so beautiful and talented and intimidating sometimes that something like my voice and writing wouldn't compare to you. Your opinions on those scare me.' His face began to heat up with the confession.

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