Chapter 22: Mr and Mrs Clause

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It had been a month since Finn had proposed to Rachel and every day they seemed to build together, stronger. In two weeks it would be November and soon, they'd be getting married. Leaving their previous woes behind, they had decided to focus their energies into planning the wedding.

Both Finn and Rachel decided they didn't want to wait long to get married, Kurt argued that it would be best for next summer, once Rachel has had the baby and could fit into a dress but Rachel argued that she didn't need a pretty dress or a lavish wedding, all she needed was Finn and Cassie by her side. Santana suggested they stick to their original plan and make it real with everything as they want. So, once Rachel had mentioned to Finn how she had always wanted a Christmas wedding it was decided that they would get married on December 24th. This way, they celebrated Christmas together with their families as an official family with three days of celebration. Rachel would be six months pregnant and should be over her morning sickness which was still taking a toll on her, though, easing a little. With the help of all their friends and their parents, things were starting to settle, sort of stress free.

They would have their ceremony at a church as Rachel had always imagined as a child, the reception would be held at Sweet Notes and their honeymoon put off until the children were old enough. It was to be a small, simple and elegant affair with the vows to each other as their main focus.

There was only one job left to do once all the organisation and decisions were sorted.

'Hey, Kurt, Satan, we'd like to talk to you both' Finn called them over as they sat at a table in Sweet Notes. Both Kurt and Santana ended up at Sweet Notes on most afternoons to help plan the wedding or occasionally to help out with classes.

Sharing worried looks, Santana and Kurt made their way to the table at which both Finn and Rachel were sitting at, hand in hand, making gooey eyes at each other and smiling too much.

'Why are you two being all weird like you're about to be all friendly and then kill us when we're not looking?' Santana asked at the shifty looks the engaged couple were exchanging.

'Seriously, what's going on?' Kurt asked less dramatically.

'Well' Rachel started. 'San, I've known you for so long and as weird as this is to say, you have become one of my closest friends, if not my best friend.'

'Wait, why are you going all mushy on me?'

'Just listen Satan' Finn told Santana knowing full well that she was avoiding any sense of feeling emotions because that woman liked to pretend she was made of rock.

'Look, I know you try to avoid anything that requires feelings but for as long as I've known you, even through that tough-girl exterior you've been one of the most kindest people to me, have been with me through the toughest journeys and you've always had my back. You've been one of the sisters I've never had and, so, I'd like to ask you this. Will you be my maid of honour?' Rachel watched as Santana absorbed her words before tearing up and throwing herself at Rachel to engulf her in a tight hug.

'I hate you for making me feel any resonance of emotions but I'll gladly be you're maid of honour. You won't regret this.' Once she had let go of Rachel, Santana sat back down in her seat being all giddy and doing a fist pump in the air.

'I would have thought you'd ask Hummel over here to be your maid of honour, he's been a better sister to you than I have' Santana quips as she nudges Kurt; him throwing her an offended 'hey'

'Well, I had something I wanted to ask him' Finn interjected.

'Yes! Yes! I'll do it' Kurt shrieked as he jumped off his seat, stood on the spot and began clapping like a seal.

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