Chapter 4: Mind Games

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Graduation day came. They we're all nervous. It meant that they had to be proper adults, go find jobs and live in the big bad world on their own. They we're all grateful for each other. Even Finn and Rachel, who still got on like bickering brats or an old married couple, much to their friend's amusement.

Jason and Sarah had been engaged for over 6 months and they had set their wedding for the following December. Finn was to be Jason's best man and Rachel Sarah's maid of honour. On occasions, this meant that they had to spend more time with each other, getting into more heated debates over little things.

Rachel now lived with Santana and Kurt since Sarah moved out, all three sharing their rent and finding a comfortable pace between the three. Their place was the meeting spot before they all went off to Julliard for the graduation ceremony.

Rachel couldn't believe she got this far. She could now move on to pursuing her dream career, either in Broadway or being a vocal coach. She'd much prefer the first but for now, the latter seemed a good way to start while auditioning and hoping for the call. She already did some vocal coaching during the weekends to help pay for rent and save up for a better place eventually.

Finn was excited to finally have something under his belt that would make his mum proud. He loved percussions but he was always a drummer at heart. He sung occasionally too but that was for private use only, like when he would write a song and try it out. He didn't like to share that with anyone, his writing or his singing, so he stuck to a major at percussion for Julliard. He dreams of having his own band one day, possibly recording albums and being on tour. He likes the idea of being a rock star. Jason always called him a dreamer but who was he to say that. Anything was possible, right?

Finally, everybody was at their place waiting to set off together; all in their best attire. Rachel wore her 'good impressions' dress which she had abandoned since that fateful night two years ago. It was the only dress she owned which Santana said didn't make her look like a school child slash librarian. Finn, for the first time in a long while, wore a black suit, with a blue shirt and a navy blue tie.

If she'd cared at all, she would have told Finn that he looked really handsome today, all grown up, but she didn't care, so she kept it to herself. Finn on the other hand…

'Hey Shorty, you're looking good today'. They had a million mock nicknames for each other that they used mutually with no hard feelings and he chose to use this one right now. 'Your dress actually makes you look all adult and stuff. It makes you look tall' he said as he gave her a once over, referencing her long legs.

'You are such a jerk Finn.' she responded 'Your suit is making you look half human at least. Can't have them think there's an alien invasion at graduation. Quick! The Na'vi's are coming' she mocked pretending to hurry away from Finn as she waved her hands in the air.

'Oh please, don't tell me you two are at it again. You haven't even been together for all of 5 minutes. Play nice, kids' yelled Santana

'Honestly, I have half a mind to lock them two up together until they see sense' Kurt threw in in frustration.

'Hah, If I'm a Na'vi that makes you a Borrower. Seriously Titch, it's perfect, I can stick you in my pocket' He smiled at her as he demonstrated picking a little person up and tucking them away in his pocket.

She hit him on the chest in frustration almost knocking herself back.

'Just stay away from me Finn, I can't have you ruin my perfect day. There'll be scouts at the graduation ceremony today. I want to be in my best mood and give them the best impression' she explained as she walked away from Finn.

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