Discovery: POV: Rosie

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   Rosie's eyes adjusted as she stepped outside, frowning as she heard the door shut behind her. She walked up the steps, looking around the busy streets. 

"Keep moving." Marnillous barked behind her. 

   Marnillous was her 'boss,' but really he was more of a slave owner. None of us ever really had a say, but even so, a few would probably stay behind. They tried to train them in order to ensure that they 'needed' him. She grumbled and kept going, moving towards his ship. She arrived, stepping on board the ramp, and dropping the small box she held in her hand. He stepped in behind her, closing the ramp to ensure no one tried to escape again. One kid had done it successfully, Zach, and he never got caught. 

   One day, she'd do it too. She told herself that. No matter what it took, she'd do so. Marnillous lifted off, heading towards Tatooine.  


 Hours passed before they arrived on the planet, She stepped out off the ramp, as per usual, but she looked around. The climate was far hotter than she ever could have expected. She hadn't been here yet, as she was newer to this group. 

"You'll get used to it kid." Darnell, one of the elder slaves, said.

She nodded, moving behind Marnillous, not bothering to check her surroundings. To her it was all the same thing. Sandy deserts and scummy people. But she failed to notice the man in dark robes, watching them with piercing eyes. He took little care of hiding himself, following behind with swagger and ease, gripping his lightsaber. 

  As Rosie walked along, she found herself unaware of the presence behind her as she boarded the ship. She stepped behind a few boxes, setting another one in behind the other.

  She stood up, freezing as she heard an unfamiliar hum. She listened for a minute, trying to identify the noise. She looked up, feeling the hairs on her arms rise as she saw a dark crimson red visible across the wall. She listened carefully, hearing footsteps and watching the red slowly fade as the wielder went into a different room. She seized the opportunity, exiting her hiding spot.

  When she ran out of the hanger she had one thought on her mind:


So she did. As soon as she got outside the ship, she started to run like she never had before.  The sun relentlessly beat on her, making the difficult run that much harder.  But she kept going. It wasn't long before she found the heat to be overwhelming. She leaned against the wall, letting the beads of sweat drip off her as she thought about her next plan. She saw an open door, and came to the rash decision that she needed to get out of the sun.

  She stepped inside, taking a good look around. It was an older tavern, one she hadn't heard of in her brief knowledge of the planet. It wasn't incredibly full, a few people and a bartender. She looked around, and one man in particular caught her eyes. He wore heavy clothing, mostly colored black from head to toes. He had short black hair, which he let messily lay down. He was tanned, although it could have easily been simply dirt. He looked over, giving a smile, but Rosie couldn't tell whether or not it was genuine. He nodded, inviting her over.

   She hesitated at first, every single part of her body told her it was a bad idea, but compared to whoever was out here, she'd rather take chances with whoever this man was. She slowly went over to him, where he pulled out a seat.  She although still had her doubts, but she had come this far. She sat down looking at the man that sat beside her.

"Need something to drink?" He asked, having noted the sweat dripping off her still.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate it." She admitted. If she died, she wasn't dying thirsty at least.

"Bartender!" the man called. "I need some water over here!" He called.

   The bartender replied with something similar to a grunt, which worked for the man who turned to Rosie. 

"My name's Apollo." he greeted.

  She stopped to think for a moment. What type of name was Apollo? For day to day usage, she couldn't help but to feel weird about it. He seemed to notice but stay quiet.

"Rosie." she responded with after a moment. "I'm Rosie.."

   It felt good to say it, she couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was because someone might actually care about it. But that was also a pretty high expectation based on how her life had unfolded thus far. 

"How'd you get here?" he asked.

 And so she began to explain.

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