POV: ???, Apollo

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   He stared at the wall, his face blank as the thoughts jumbled around inside his head. There was almost too much. it was enough he could focus for mere moments before something else invaded his thoughts. he heard the sounds of footsteps behind him, knowing exactly what he would hear from the man behind him.

"He lives, sir." 

   Those three words, although so short, were so bitter. He had always known it, it felt too easy for it to be any other way. He'd spent years looking, scouting any and every detail imaginable to uncover the truth. Whether it was the person, or his body. Even so, finding out the answer felt like a punch in the gut. 

"Tell me.. how did this happen?" His voice was seething with anger as his eyes remained forward.

He heard the solider struggle to answer the question. the pause lasted multiple seconds, expectations filling the air with each and every passing second, before the solider gave any answer.

"I don't know, sir."

He allowed the words to hang for a moment, while in his head he felt more words building up like an avalanche of thoughts, crashing down on top of him and he spoke.

"Just find him. He doesn't stay down for long. Be ready."

His words were sharp, like a finely tuned knife, and with that he heard the sounds of the soldiers footsteps slowly fade away, and once again he was left alone with just the voices.

POV Apollo

Hours. That was how long he had been sitting down listening to a group of people with absolutely no combat prowess or complex understanding try to figure out how they wanted to lead a massive military assault. It got to a point where he had to interject.

"Let me just take the lead on this one."

Silence overtook the room before Kiermeyer spoke;

"I don't know.. it's a major operation."

Her voice was full of hesitation but quickly another voice interjected.

"We need someone who can be there." It was Pamela, "I agree with Apollo, he should take lead of the operation."

Before Apollo could even be pleased Wells also spoke:

"I agree. Majority rules. Captain Apollo, the operation is now in your hands." 

Apollo looked at the three before nodding. "I won't let you down."

"We know that." Pamela said with a small but sincere smile.


Heyo! Sorry I disappeared for a while just needed to take some time to myself, but hopefully I can get back into the groove!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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