Home? POV Rosie, Apollo, O'Ree

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Rosie spent the next few hours settling down. Ella opened herself up relatively fast. Zach, on the other hand seemed more reserved, occasionally interjecting with a small comment, but otherwise, staying silent. Rosie wasn't sure how exactly she felt about all this. She would probably be spending a lot of time with both of them, so she did want to get to know them both at least a little bit.

    "Don't worry about him." Ella said quiet enough that she wasn't heard by Zach. She had noticed her peering over at him.

"Well what exactly is with him?" Rosie questioned, not meaning to sound rough or mean in any way. She had become genuinely curious.

"I won't say too much but he was on a mission that went.. awry." she said.

Rosie found herself looking over at Zach again, although this time he looked back at her. They kept eye contact for a few seconds, and she felt a sort of understanding, almost as if they had a telepathic conversation. She knew what he was feeling, and she understood. She turned back to look at Ella.

"I don't doubt it." She said with a sigh.


 POV:  Apollo
   It had been hours since Apollo had been briefed on the 'plan', although it felt so loose that even calling it a plan didn't feel quite right to Apollo. He simply knew the Freelancers weren't prepared for what they would have to do.
   His concerns, of course, were well  voiced, but even as he said it, deep down he knew this was what they needed to do. Maybe it was exactly that which angered him so much. Maybe it was something else. He sighed slightly, still standing just outside of the leader's quarters. To their credit, it was the same type as all the other quarters, while they dedicated thee bigger spaces to the armory and other necessities.
   He looked around,  not able to shake the feeling that this wouldn't be their sanctuary for very long.


                       POV: O'Ree
O'ree sat on board the ship, an old republic gunship from his knowledge. They approached the landing zone, gripping his EE-3 as he looked around. He was new to the FreeLancers, having arrived mere days before being assigned to the supply team. Now here he sat, although it was supposedly an easy job. But as far as he knew the fact they were required to carrying weapons was slightly concerning.

   But surely enough, when the doors slid open, it was exactly as advertised: they had various boxes scattered around, made to look older and abandoned.

"Alright everyone! Let's get in and load these supplies and get out! Crunch time!"

O'ree followed the more experienced soldiers, acquiring different crates and bringing them to one of the three gunships that landed on the surface. An hour or so passed as they had put down most of the supplies. But that was when things get interesting.

   He had just gotten another box into the gunship, the second or third last, when the sound of a shot rang out. When he turned, he saw a body hit the ground.


  The last word he wanted to hear right now. He heard several more shots, and saw another body drop. He paused, froze really, trying to figure out what to do before he heard firing from beside him. He pulled his EE-3 out, feeling rather stupid. Of course you have to fire back when you're attacked. Why else bring the guns?

   He peeked to the side, trying to locate any hostiles, but came up empty handed. A shot hit the ship he took cover behind, and he found himself scrambling to make sure he was completely out of view from any shots. He thought he saw the sniper out of the corner of his eyes, but he wasn't sure. He peeked and took a few shots at what he saw, feeling nervous even as he did.

   He went back into cover, before he heard a call out from another rebel.

"Sniper down!" The solider called, and O'Ree couldn't help but to feel satisfied. The fight was over. He breathed a sigh of relief, making his way back to his feet as he looked at the rebel commander, who gave an approving nod before turning back to the surviving rebels.

He gave a signal, which O'Ree gave an order to retreat. They loaded up the last of the supplies, and sent themselves back towards the base.

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