Liftoff: POV Rosie

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   They spent a few hours talking. Most of it consisted on how they managed to get here, with Apollo's story outdoing hers. He explained he was a rebel, but would go on to clarify they weren't established. They were working on the first attack plan, but he didn't let any details up as to what they were. Even as she listened, she knew that key plans were missing, specifically his childhood. While her story went from start to present, he didn't pick up until he was already a young man, growing sick of the hierarchy the Imperials created.

  Even so, she couldn't help but to be fascinated by him, by the way he spoke, the way he seemed to passionately feel every single word, like he was doing nothing more than reading a book to her. He managed to keep his voice monotone, something she struggled with when it came to her own story. But she began to open more of herself, her background, who she was, the type of fine details that some never reveal.

   But  through it all, despite the coming and going of customers, waiters, and even the band members, he kept himself focused in, never seeming to lose interest in her words. He had seemed to care, and  she couldn't help but to like him. He even had that man off her mind, the one with the lightsaber, until it came into the story. Even as she tried to explain, to give a recounting of the events, she struggled for the simple reason she didn't know what had even happened. 

  When the backstories came and went, their talk was much more casual. He seemed to try and bring home the point that his rebellion to be was nearing action, and she couldn't help but to feel interested in it. She didn't know what peaked her interest, maybe the brother and sister mentality, maybe the opportunity to do something meaningful, or maybe she just wanted anything that wasn't what she had now.

   So when he brought up the fact they didn't have a whole lot of men, she quickly took advantage.

"I'll join." 

He looked at her for a moment, considering the possibility before he responded.

"Can't say I'm really in the place to say no." He admitted.

Rosie smiled, feeling glad she had managed to get a yes out of him so quickly. Although something inside her told her he had every intention of recruiting her, it didn't take away from the excitement she felt. Even with the unknowns, she couldn't help but feel positive about future.

 The rest of their conversation was shorter than she had expecting, only heightening the thought that Apollo had intended to recruit her. She didn't know how he knew to wave her over, maybe gut instinct, maybe luck, but it had happened. It wasn't long at all until he gave a nod and said he'd take her back to Rebel Command, which, as he explained, was a small town on a planet not far from their target.

  Apollo lead the way, the sand blowing harder than it had been before, as they both were pelted. Apollo didn't seem to mind it, or at least he didn't show it, moving with the type of conviction a solider had. In fact, that's exactly what he was. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the ship in the distance. She was this close to getting out. She knew she was free once she was there. Then, she'd be a rebel. After that, it would be working on her own terms.

  It was pretty average, a grey color with two wings stretching out, almost like a symbol of it's importance. The ramp slowly lowered as they approached it, and Rosie felt a twinge of excitement as she followed Apollo on board. She looked around, seeing the white walls, in a small room with a pathway. She followed him into the cockpit, sitting beside him. She wasn't used to this view, and took a minute to enjoy the view as they lifted off, heading towards the rebel base.


   They flew for a few hours before they arrived. The planet itself was beautiful. It was a vibrant green, even from space, with specks of blue, which she knew was the planets waters, which she imagined to be a perfect crystal clear. All the planets she had been to had been turned into cities. Monstrous, grey blobs that covered the surface and deformed it to a point that couldn't be undone.

   But not here.

  Here it still held the tranquility that seemed to become so rare. Or maybe she was just looking in all the wrong places.

   But it seemed to be perfect. The nature of it offered just enough protection that they wouldn't have anyone breathing down their necks. She watched as Apollo went towards the planets surface, seemingly unconcerned with the possibility of detection. There hadn't been any Imperial sightings in this sector for  quite a while, according to Apollo, which was seemingly unconcerning to the Empire. Not that she was complaining. He quickly moved over a clearing, lowering his ship and flicking a switch to deploy the landing gear.

   She watched as he slowly lowered the last few feet, before she finally felt a small jolt of force as the gear met the ground, and as quickly as it happened she jumped up.

   She wanted to get her boots onto the ground and get herself ready to go, and that was exactly what she was going to do.

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