The New Girl ep.6.2

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Vanessa: God this is so exciting(fan girls)

Laura:(confused ) why is it exciting is just a stupid crush

Vanessa:(gasped) excuse me...u two are so cute together and just by looking at you guys act like a couple it seems like you two were ment to be(smiles)

Laura:(sighs )Ugh i wish(until they turn to the corner they see maia and ross making out)

Vanessa: oh my...

Laura:(tears up)

Vanessa:(turns around) laura

Laura:(crys and runs away to the bathroom)

Vanessa:laura wait!(runs after her)

Laura:(goes in the bathroom and look at herself in the mirror while crying)

Vanessa:(bumps into ??)

??:Watch wher-

Vanessa:sorry(runs quickly to the bathroom)

Laura:Ugh im so ugly of course ross would never like me(gets a sharp pencil about to cut herself)

Vanessa:(ran through the door)Laura!Stop!(Runs to laura and takes the pencil away just in time before she could of had a cut)


Vanessa:Omg laura!(hugs her tight) Plz promise me you won't ever do this again!(crys )u scared the life out of me!

Laura:(Still sobbing) im so ugly!

Vanessa: no your not your so beautiful and there are guys out there waiting for u ... ross might not be the one but there are other guys out there

Laura:(sniffs) You mean it?

Vanessa: im 100% sure i mean it.(hugs laura)

Laura:(hugs back)thanks Ness

Vanessa:(giggles and whips laura tears) Yw and nice nickname lol

Laura:(giggles and smile)

Vanessa:there's that smile again(laughs a bit)

Laura:you r a good friend ness and do u want to come to my house after school?

Vanessa:yes !(laughs)

Laura:(laughs softly )ok i think im ready to go to class now

Vanessa:are you kidding lets go cut class

Laura:no i would get in trouble!

Vanessa:no your not silly that's why you have me here

Laura:we should go to class maybe we can cut class tomorrow

Vanessa:we have an early dismissal tomorrow


Vanessa: yup and we should make you a make over

Laura:Hey!i like my look this way.

Vanessa:(looks at laura up and down)are u kidding girl you need a make over!asp and i know a person that would help(smiles wildly)

Laura:Oh boy this is going to be a long day

~~~~~~~~~~With Ross and maia~~~~~~~~~~

Ross:(pulls away from the make out and sees laura running) laura?!

Maia:(pulls ross closer to her)Oh baby who is laura? uhh best friend

Maia:are u sure she is just a friend or more?

Ross:just a (looks down and sighs) Friend

Maia:good!(goes back to kissing ross)

Ross:(pulls away)stop maia

Maia:aww come on baby

Ross:im not your baby

Maia:(gets mad)Then why did you kiss me first!

Ross:because i got caught up in the moment

Maia:So the kiss didn't ment nothing to you!!!(yells)

Ross:UGH!I need sometime to think!(yells back)

Maia:Its easy you just say yes or no! Wait or is it that chick laura you are telling me about!

Ross:No!! I just need time to think that's all i need now!

Maia:You know im out but you will regret this!!!

Ross:Maia wait!!!

Maia:(Leaves to the next class)


Dun dun dun!!!! Lots of drama happening! Hope you guys like it!

Goodnight raura shippers!

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