Im bored, time to create a universe!!

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Me: *rolls on bed* This is sooo boooriiiing, I'mma try something new *I run down stairs get my phone and I make some adjustments* Aaaaand done!! *changed author powers fom OFF to ON* Now, let's try this "Author Powers" once and for all.

*Starts teleporting around my house and summons some stuff to get use to my powers*

Me: Nice!! Mmm, what can I do? *thinks for a moment, then teleports in front of a pretty big house and buys it* Hehehehehe *I go inside and teleports the Newscapecrew to the house, Tommy is on top of a trash can, Cory was half way into the window with his head inside, Uni is holding on to the shandelier, Nick and Ashlie appeared in the couch, Jon was in the kitchen and Dawn was on top of the coffee table* oh....

Uni: AAAAHHH!!! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL??! *is slowly slipping from the shandalier* AAHH IM SLIPING!! *slips*

Cory: UNI!! *gets in the house and catches him before he falls to the ground* oof!!

Ashilie and Nick: what the actual fuck?!

Uni:*recovering from his fall* what...*breaths*

Tommy: More importantly, WHY DID I APPEAR ON TOP OF A TRASH CAN??! *says getting off the trash can and points at it*

Dawn: Maybe its because thats were you belong *he says calm, getting off the coffe table*

Almost everyone: DAMMN BOI!!

Jon: Hey! Dont say that!! *pops head out off the kitchen* Thats not nice!! And, uh, who are you? *says pointing at me and everyone turn their attention to me*

Me: Er, I think we got up on the wrong foot. Im Anaís, but you can call me Ana, nice too meet you in person!!

Everyone: hi/heya/FREAK!!

Cory: We are in a book, right? *is putting a flustered Uni on the floor*

Me: Yep!! And sorry about this, Im trying to get use to these powers. Anyway, since this is my book you guys are gonna live here from know on!!

Nick: Nice nice *says while taking a picture with Ashlie and then uploading it to Twitter*

Me: You can explore the house and choose your rooms for know, bye!! *I say going up the stairs to claim a room*

Everyone: Bye/Ciya!! *start heading their different ways*

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