Wake up

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Dashlie: *walking down the hall of a hotel with Don* do you think their awake yet? I haven't heard from them.

Don: I don't know what Jon was doing but, *he said looking at down at his phone* he was sending me messages at 2am so he was probably hammered last night *chuckle*

Dashlie: I wonder if their still want to go to the party... *she quietly said as she made her way into the room*

Everyone: *seemingly fast asleep in their respective beds*

Dashlie: *whispering* should we wake them up??

Don: *whispering* they seem tired, maybe we should just go to the party with the others.

Ashlie: don't worry we're up *she said as she sat up on the bed with messy hair* we all made a silent agreement that we *yawn* wouldn't get up until someone came to wake us up...

Me: ughhhhhh...

Jon and Uni: *just got up and out of their shared bed to go order breakfast*

Nick: c'moooon Davis get up!! *he said shaking the man next to him*

Davis: I don't want to gooooo *he said as he put his arms around his 'eyes'* I have a massive headache...

Don: okay, guess that wasn't Jon texting me at 2am

Nick: we came al this way, you can't just not go!!

Davis: if you're gonna force me to go then I'm not leaving your side for a second *he said slowly getting up*

Me: same *I say also sitting up and looking at them* I wanna stay with chu Nick, I'm not in the mood to talk to people.

Nick: sorry but that's a no for me, I'm not going to be your babysitter for the party *he said stretching and getting out of his bed*

Me: dang it

Davis: wait Ana the two of us can just stay together, right?

Me: eh, sure, that'll work *I get up and start making my way to the door* I'm in the mood for cereal... *walk out*

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