What's flirting...?- Jon

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Jon: *walks down the stairs with a cofused look on his face*

Everyone: *doing something in the living room or kitchen*

Nick: *scrolling down Twitter but sees Jon expression and looks at him* Whats wrong Jon?

Cory and Dawn: *come out the kitchen* what happende?

Everyone else: *turn their atention to Jon without saying anything*

Jon: I honestly dont know *he says putting his hand on his head trying to think of something*  I was playing Deadtale and was talking to this guy, but then he said "You make my software go hardware" or someting like that and I didnt understand...

Cory: you know, he was flirting with you Jon

Jon: huh? *tilts head inocently* What's flirting??

Everyone: *stay in silente until they all say*

He's too inocent for this world...

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