WhY dOeS aNiMe HuRtS sO mUcH

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Ashlie: *in her room when she hears Jon scream and then goes to his room* WHO HURT THE CINNAMON BUN?!

Jon: *is on the floor in form of a ball with Uni trying to calm him down* w-why d-did *sob* she have t-to die *sob* of a-all the cha-characters....? *wines*

Uni: there there it'll be okay Jon shhh *patting his back and trying to confert him*

Ashlie: oh no Jon its okay dont be sad, its okay, what were you watching? *she said getting close to him saying him sweet nothings*

Jon: .....Your lie in April...

Ashlie: *flash backs to the anime* "Do you wanna play the piano beside me?"

~5 seconds later~

Ashlie: *is sobbing beside Jon in the same position* w-why do I always *sob* wa-watch things t-that *sob* hu-hurt meeee? *crys*

Uni: thats why I dont get too attached to the characters *sigh* I know im a cry baby but juesus fucking christ let it go already

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