Day Two- Part One

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Author's Note: *Wapoosh* TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES! my name is Fedoraoverlord69 and WELCOME BACK to Gold Digging! So far my updates have been random and unpredictable, but hopefully I will be able to stick to the new schedule I have set up.

Starting today, every Friday a new chapter of Gold Digging will be released, as well as two random thoughts for A Shit Tonne Of Random Thoughts. Not that anyone gives a fuck. Anyways, thanks for watching, and if you liked the video, make sure to punch that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! As allways, (highfivesallround) *Wapoosh* *Wapoosh* Thanks for watching bros, and I'll see you all, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!!!!!!


Zac sighed, and took a sip from his coffee.

"Before this chapter starts, I would like to clarify some things. First of all, I AM the most important character in this story. You will realise this eventually, trust me. Second of all, if you read the name of this chapter, you will see that this is DAY TWO, ie. NOT straight after what happened in chapter one, titled Day One. This chapter (not including this short piece of nonsense) will start theday AFTER that conversation. If you really want to know what happened, I'll give you a quick recap. If you don't, well fuck you.I'm going to do it anyway.

So Dalziel (that's He Who Shall Not Be Named, if you didn't already know) was like, "How have you been, bitch" except he didn't say bitch.

And then Beth (the bitch) was like, "Okay, I guess... can we just finish this job already?" and then Dalziel was like "fine then."and so they cleaned the fucking dishes and went back down to the tents where Chris and I were fighting over a hot dog."

Zac took another sip of coffee. "What? Did you expect something special? Naw, I just had to come up with some shit to end the chapter. Any-ways, ON WITH THE STORY!"


"As in start the actual chapter, dumb-ass!"


Beth woke up at what seemed to be ridiculous-o-clock in the morning,blinking the sleep from her eyes. Soft daylight seeped through every hole and tear in the weathered, hired tent. Next to her everyone's sleeping bags still held their owners silently slumbering away, apart from Tayla who was quietly wheezing, and Imogen, who was no-where to be seen.

As far as a tiny tent goes.

Beth wriggled out of her sleeping bag and slowly crawled to the entrance,being careful not to wake any of the tent's inhabitants. Once she was outside a fresh, cool breeze brushed past her, pushing her into a state of sleepiness, yet awake enough to collect her thoughts. She was at peace. Maybe this camp wouldn't be so bad after all.

In the centre of their lot there was an large eucalyptus tree, the branches softly swaying in the breeze. Underneath this tree were fourfold-out chairs, with four sleepy teens in them. An Italian, an Hole,a Redhead and Imogen. Beth unwillingly smiled. This seemed like a set-up for a shitty joke.

The Asshole stretched with a yawn, and just happened to notice her out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh hey Beth, mornin'! Sorry, but there aren't any more chairs, so it's the ground for you!" He mumbled, to tired to come up with a witty insult. He yawned again.

"Aw fuck, you don't think the readers think I'm Dalziel again, do you?"He grumbled, sinking further into the chair, while simultaneously pulling his sleeping bag up.

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