Day Three- Part One

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Whaaaat is up Gold Digging nation, I'm your host, fedoraoverlord69, and leeeeets, get roight into the news! Unless you're a knob-head, you may have noticed that I did not post last week's chapter. Recently, I have been having some troubles and did not feel up to writing another chapter. However, I feel bad, so this week not only do you get a chapter, I have released a new cover as well! It's pretty shit, but its my first time using my tablet, okay? Give me some slack. Anyways, on with the story!


Themorning finally arrived, and he woke up, rubbing the sleep from hiseyes. Last night, some rather disguising conversations had struck,and he was a little shaken about what had been said by a certain,spectacle-wearing member of the conversation. He blinked when herealised what was happening.

"Wait,I'm not being mistaken for Dalziel again, right? This is one of thestupidest recurring jokes I have ever seen! Seriously, this story'sreads are in triple digits now, we need to step up our game!" Zacmuttered to himself, still half asleep. Then he realised somethingelse. "Wait, the story is still from my POV. Why? What is going tohappen? I am both worried and confused..." he said, almost fallingasleep again. Then he realised yet another thing.

Hewas not lying on his inflatable mattress.

"Thefuck?" he whispered, feeling around for his thick glasses.Underneath him, roughly around the thighs, was some sort of lump.Relatively comfortable, but in no way re-assuring. He finally foundwhat he was looking for and put them on. He looked underneathhimself.




Dalzielwoke up. "The fuck?" he said, looking at his legs.

Zacwas lying across his legs.

BookZac silently cursed author Zac.

AuthorZac didn't give a shit.

"What.The fuck. Are you doing on my legs, Zac?" Dalziel said, trying towriggle away.

"Ihonestly have no clue. I must of rolled over in my sleep. Sorry,man." Zac yawned, getting off him. "Do you have the time?"

"Yeahdude, it's er, 7:45." Dalziel said, looking at his silver platedtitanium watch his dad bought him because he wanted it.

"Aw,crap! I am meant to be on bacon duty right now! Gottagobye!" Zacsaid, pulling on a clean shirt.

Theyboth silently agreed not to speak of that moment again. Yet here weare.

Upat the kitchens, Levi had been put on grill duty, and was attemptingto write obscene words with the oil on the food. It wasn't working,but he didn't care. Beth, Yanesca and Joe were sitting at a table,talking. Zac walked up to Joe and punched him in the arm.


"Soyou just left us there, huh?" Zac said angrily.

"Whatare you talkin- oh, you looked so peaceful, so I decided to leave youtwo together for a little longer, that's all..." Joe said, a hintof a smile showing on his face when he realised what Zachariah wastalking about. Beth and Yanesca were both confused, but they wereused to that when it came to the brunette in the tatty hats.

"Also,what the fuck Beth!" Zac said, turning to her. "You didn't wakeme up like I asked you to!"

Bethnodded slowly. "I tried to wake you up by shouting through thetarp, but you didn't hear me!"

"Itold you, you have to come in the tent and physically shake the shitout of me to wake up any earlier than 8. It was a mere fluke I wokeup this morning at all! Next time, come in, okay?"

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