Day Three- Part Three

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Squintingto read the tiny writing on his notepad, Zachariah choked on thealways warm, bottomless mug of coffee. "Wait, what?" Hespluttered, double checking his notes. "Oh, no. Has it really comethis far? I mean, sure, we are on chapter seven now, and we do haveover 12 thousand words, but do we really have to go here?This is abit extreme. I mean, she was not even sure she liked the dude lastchapter. Okay, fine. I don't get to dictate what does or doesn'thappen in the story, I just observe, I guess..." He attempted totake another drink, his hands still shaking from the shock of what hehad read. The coffee calmed his nerves, and he took a sigh."Okay,readers, Author Zac would like to warn you of sane minds that thischapter contains smut.Like, serous smut. Gooey talk, and speeches ending with '~', andwell... you know... fucking. The ol' birds and the bees. That's howbad this is. So if you don't want to deal with that shit, don't readthis chapter. I would probably do the same." He coughed nervously. Anyways, time to start the chapter!"

Jumpingevery time there was a slight hole or bump in the road, Beth's vantrundled along towards Margaret River's version of The Maze. Therewas one in Perth, so she knew what was ahead of her. Lots of walking,and lots of getting lost.

Soundslike fun. Woohoo.

Nextto her, Yanesca giggled softly. Yanesca had been going to this schoolfor at least a year before Beth came to the school, and the two girlshit of immediately. Before then, the poor girl had been trapped at atable with Joe and Zac. And while it would be easy just to ignoreJoe, Zac would easily become a pain in the ass. For Yanesca, Bethcoming had been a blessing in disguise. She gently brushed her hairbehind her ear and typed back to whoever she was talking to. Bethgave her a nudge. "Who are you talking to?"

Yanescalocked her phone and smiled back a Beth. "I believe that it is noneof your business, Beth." she said sweetly, with a hint of threat.This only stirred Beth to push more.

"Isit a guy you like?"

"No!I don't like anyone right now, thank you very much! Now if you excuseme, I was halfway through a conversation." She took out her phoneand started typing again. Beth slumped back in her chair. They werealready halfway through their camp, and yet it felt like it had goneby in an instant. What was it that people said about times like this?

"Timeflies when you're having fun"

Isthat what was happening? Was she having fun? She knew the answer. Shewas. And it was all thanks to him. Speaking of which, their vanpulled up in The Maze's car park, the small, white car right behindthem. The boy got out, and stretched. And she had to admit, he lookedkinda cute when he did. Noticing her, he walked over and flashed hera smile.

"Hey,Beth. Those were some pretty contradicting thoughts going throughyour head just then!" Zac said, reaching her. "I'm sorry, but I'mtaken, so you best stick with Dalziel. Also, there's no way anyonethought I was Dalziel, yada yada yada. You know, the usual stuff.Speaking of him, how is your relationship with him going?"

Bethhated herself as her cheeks started to burn up. "What do you mean,'relationship'?"

Zaclaughed, ruffling her hair. "Oh, you still in denial about that,eh? You don't need to tell anyone else right off the bat, but youhave to at least admit it to me. We're co-workers in this business."Beth sighed, untangling her hair from the mess he put it in. She hadno idea how, but he could read her like a book. She had to face thefacts, and spill the beans.

"...Yeah. I do like him. Quite a bit, actually." She said in thesmallest voice humanly possible. Zac grinned, but not in his usual,devilish grin, but a grin that showed pride, and understanding.

"See,how hard was that? Now it's my turn to spill the beans. You haveactually liked him since he started messaging you, but you were sofar in denial subconsciously you didn't even realise you liked himconsciously!" But, thanks to The True Plan, you subconsciously gaveup on denial, and your conscious was allowed its own thoughts. So, inother words, you're welcome!" He finished.

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