Day Four- Part Two or The Final Chapter or Valentine's Day Special

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Baggy-eyed,Zac consumed his caffeine, it being the only thing keeping him awakesince chapter two. Then he turned to the readers, and smiled.

"HappyValentine's Day! Merry Valentine's Day? I dunno. But today is theday, the day that couples become annoying to be around, and singleslaugh at their friends, or cry about their loneliness. Because wemissed last weeks deadline due to Author Zac being hella sik AF, Wethought we could use today as an excuse to post early! So enjoy!"

Hetook another sip.

"Hangon, what if there is reader that aren't from Australia? Is itValentine's Day for them? Crap! Then this doesn't apply to them!Okay, you know what, fuck them. All we need is the good o' Aussies!No offence to anyone not Australian. Unless you find that hot.

...Juststart the fucking chapter."


"Well,this is it! Our last activity before we get to go home!" Imogencheered, slapping Beth on the back, hard. "I can't wait!" Withthe air-con blasting, and kiddos laughing and chatting, it really hithard that this was really the end of the trip. The end of what mighthave been Beth's best camp, hell her best year!

Eventhough it was only March.

Yanescaturned around to face Imogen. "You can't wait to go to the beach,or can't wait to go home?" she enquired, as she nursed Beth's back.Imogen frowned at her. "I can't wait to go home, duh. The receptionout here is terrible, it's freezing at night, and the sleepingarrangements are horrible. I'm sure there's loads of people thatagree with me!" And there was. All though some students were hypedfor the beach, many were tired, worn out. There were lots that werejust ready to go to bed, to many to name.

Therewasn't a Terry though. I can tell you that much.

"Well,this was probably my best camp ever, and to be perfectly honest, Iwish it could've lasted a little longer!" Beth heard someone saycheerfully. She had to admit, she did agree with whoever said that.Both Imogen and Yanesca raised their eyebrows. "Really, Beth? Iwouldn't have expected that!" Yanesca said.

Crap.It was her that made the remark.

Imogenlaughed. "No, now that I think about it, it does make sense. Afterall, she got it on with Dalziel!" she said, grinning in a way thatwould make Zachariah jealous. Wait, 'got it on'? Did Imogen know whatthey did?

"Wait,Beth is with Dalziel? Why haven't you told me yet!" Yanescashouted, punching Beth in the shoulder violently. "We're besties!You are meant to tell me everything!" what was up with herfriends and beating her up today?

Bethrubbed her shoulder. "I was going to tell you, I just... was busy,okay? No need to beat me up!" Yanesca nodded. "Okay, but pleasetell me I wasn't the last to find out... right?" Beth smiled.

"Nope,in fact, only two other people outside of us three know. Apart from,you know, Dalziel." Imogen laughed. "Yeah, but those two peopleare the two people you would least want to know!" Yanesca flinched."Are you implying that Levi and Zachariah found out beforeme?! This is a betrayal of our friendship! You told those two idiotsbefore me?!" Beth sighed. "No, Levi found out for himself."

"Youonly said Levi. How did Zac find out?"

"Heuh, hooked us up. It's really not as bad as it sounds."
"Ithink it is, Miss Randers, I think it is. If Zachariah motherfuckingSpringer was the guy that hooked you up, everything could go wrong!"

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