Day Three- Part Two

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Stretchingin the passenger seat of the small, white rental car, he ponderedwhat the day would bring. Zac said that he had a plan to help him winBeth's heart, but apart from that, he had no idea what was going tohappen today. Maybe he could have lunch with her. He smiled.

Ha!I really got them this time! Usually, they would be able to tellright off the bat that it was me, Zac, but because I was thinkingthings that Dalziel should be, that would have thrown the readersoff! I am an indisputable genius! Hethought to himself triumphantly. Behind him, Dalziel sat cramped, hishead slightly bobbing to the hard rock playing through the car'sspeakers. By the look in his eyes, he was thinking something alongthe lines of what Zac had been, but un-ironically. Zac smiled again.His plan, the true plan, known only by him, was falling in place."Yo, Joe, you going with us in the canoes?" He asked the recentbrunette, his hair just darkening from a bright orange. Joe looked upfrom his phone.

"Whatdid you say?" he asked, snapping to attention. It was clear thatwhatever he was doing on his phone had his full attention up untilthis point.

Zacsniggered. He had a feeling what he had been doing. "I asked if youare going to go in the canoe with me and Dilly-Pilly here," helaughed, gesturing to Dalziel.

"Hey,fuck you! That was ages ago!" Dalziel snarled. It always got himworked up whenever Zac brought that old nickname up, and Zac lovedit.

"Noswearing, please!" Their third teacher, Kim, said from the driver'sseat. She was a new teacher, but had already lost most of her energydue to Zac's constant... Zac-ness.


Zachariahcoughed. "Anyways, what do you say Joe? Unless there's someone elseyou were planning to go with..." He said, raising an eyebrowsuggestively. Joe blushed furiously.

"N-no,why would you even say that? I-I-I have no idea what you are talkingabout!" he stammered, looking back at his phone in an attempt tohide his face. "If it really means that much to you, I'll come withyou two!"

Zacsniggered once again. "Great! I guess I'll have to talk to you andgive you some ideas as well Dilly-Pilly (Oi!)! This is going to begreat!"

Kimspoke up. "Zachariah, you aren't trying to cause trouble to yourclassmates, are you?" she said in a semi-stern voice. She knew Zacenough to know he was up to something. You just can't hide stuff fromteachers.

Zacwidened his eyes in mock innocence. "Me? I would nevereven suggest to do something like that!"

Kimshrugged. "At this point, I don't even care."

Zacgrinned. "Cool."


Meanwhile,in the van, Beth was bored. Yanesca was absorbed in her phone,reading or whatever. Imogen and Tayla were at the back of the bus,which left her by her self. Then she had an idea. She grabbed herphone and messaged Dalziel on Instagram.

B:Hey. U bored as well?

Shehoped he was on, otherwise she would have nothing else to do. And ifyou needed something to burn time, why not talk to one of you closefriends? Wait, close friends? They weren't close, they had justbecome friends! They were not close. No. She wished they were though.Wait, where did that come from? She had hated him two days ago! Shewas spending too much time pretending to like him that was all. Shejust had to stop doing that for a while. Easy, right? Peace of-

D:Yup. Joe's on his phone, not talking and Zac's a twat.


B:Same. Yanesca's on her phone too, and the only person close enough totalk to is Chris.

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