Day Two- Part Three

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Zacdusted off his red, velvet nightgown and took another sip of hiscoffee. Then he sighed.

"Judgingby the amount of views this story has had so far, I would say thatperhaps there might have been readers that were not my idioticfriends. And as such, my apology goes to you, unknown readers, andnot my ass-hats of friends. Two chapters ago, the real me said that anew chapter would come out every week. Two weeks after, the weeklychapter did not come out. Or the week after that. So let me explain.

Recently,real me went on a trip to Sydney, and did not bring his laptop. So hegave his weekly quota to a few of his friends. They said they woulddo them. BUT THEY DID NOT! So if you were eagerly waiting for thosechapters (but to be honest, why would you be?) I apologise. But tothose 'friends', both versions of me now officially hate you untilyou give one of us money, food or both."

Hetook another sip of the coffee. "I don't know if you realise, butthis is the same coffee as last time that I spoke to you like this.And its been what, four weeks now, and it still hasn't gone cold.It's a miracle!"

Hewriggled further back into his brown leather armchair. "I must say,this pre-chapter 'scene' is much more descriptive than the last. Yo!Real me! Talk about the fireplace!"

BehindZac, a fireplace was quietly crackling, the flames licking at thefreshly-cut oak logs. It was an old-fashioned fireplace, made of manylarge, grey stones of different shades, with an iron grill to stopthe ashes from falling out. A large gold poker rested next to it.

"Nowthat's some description!" Zac said, admiring the previouslines.

Theauthor would now like to continue with the story.

Zaclaughed. "I'm talking to myself! This is hilarious! But I feel yaman, don't worry. ON WITH THE STORY!


Aftera good five minutes, all of the students finally made it up to thekitchen. The reason it took so long to go roughly 100 metres was fortwo reasons;

1.Levi and Zac were lazy fucks and didn't move until Peter threatenedthem with clean-up duty


2.Beth was absolutely petrified about what she had to do, and wouldn'tleave their tent until Yanesca tried to talk to her.

"Comeon Beth, we need to go to dinner. Surely you're over the wholeDalziel fiasco, I mean, you went up the lighthouse with him, didn'tyou?" Yanesca said in a soft voice.

Thisonly freaked out more. Not only did she do it, but now one of herbest friends knew she did it.Why could her life not be as simple as Yanesca's? Or Levi's? Or someguy named Terry, if he existed, which he doesn't in this story?

"Unless,you know, you're starting to fall for him?" Yanesca suggested,raising an eyebrow.

Fora second, she looked kind of like Levi. It was a little off-putting.Yanesca took that putting-off the wrong way.

"Oh,wow. You are into him! Well, that solves your problem, doesn't it?Just tell him you do like him!"

Bethgrowled. Actually, genuinely growled. "I am not. Trust me onthat one. My life got a lot more complex this morning and I don'tknow how to deal with it." She tried to leave the tent, but Yanescagrabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

"Idon't really understand what is going on here, but to be honest, Idon't care. If this has to do with what happened between you andZachariah this morning, I can only imagine what horrible stuff hesaid. So if you need and support you have me, Okay?" Yanesca saidin an even softer voice.

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