Who's going

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So this story will be told by different people. The list of people telling the story are Regina mills, Emma swan, Killian jones and Zelena mills. Let's see who's going on this trip and a little about them. 😁😁

First up... Regina mills

Regina is the hot Latina girl in there group

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Regina is the hot Latina girl in there group. She is also really funny but when annoyed she can get really horrible to people she don't like. She is very smart but asks a lot of dumb questions which makes her funnier. Lots of people have wanted to date Regina but she likes flying solo.

Next... Emma swan

Emma is the funny pretty one in the group

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Emma is the funny pretty one in the group. She is of course very pretty and her long blonde hair helps. Like Regina she can get really horrible when it comes to people she don't like except she will end up fighting them. Emma is bright but very sarcastic. Her best friend here is killian and they have been close for awhile. Lots of people like her but she is single because her crush isn't interested... or so she thought.

Up next... Zelena mills

Zelena is the serious one

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Zelena is the serious one. She always spoke her mind whether she knew it would hurt you or not. She thought it was fun to mess with peoples head. Her threats would scare people and then she would laugh. If she liked you she was funny and caring about you. Regina is her younger sister but they were in the same year as kids. Zelena was born in September 1998 and Regina was born august 1999.

Next is... Killian jones

Killian is the joker in the group

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Killian is the joker in the group. He is a nice guy who always cheers them up. Everyone loves him because he makes you feel happy when your feeling sad. He always has a joke for every occasion. He has a secret crush on Emma but doesn't think she will ever be interested.

Coming next is... belle beauty

Belle is the nutty one and never a dull moment

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Belle is the nutty one and never a dull moment. She has only just left collage like the others and already she has skydived, bungy jump of a really high building, zip lined from 100 feet in the air and been in a cage under water with sharks. She has a lot of guts and never thinks twice before doing something. 

Now it's... Mary Margret Blanchard

 Mary Margret or Mary for short is the smooth one

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Mary Margret or Mary for short is the smooth one. She likes to just chill out and is always available for talking to about problems. She rarely has any problems herself. Her boyfriend is David and they have been together since they were 14. She is also good at gymnastics and really bendy. She's not very smart because she always fell asleep in her lessons but she is pretty so it doesn't matter to her.

Finally... David Nolan

David is the muscles in the group

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David is the muscles in the group. He is pretty tall and quite muscular. He has a short temper which can snap at anytime. David has never lost a fight and in his spare time he does boxing. He can be pretty chilled at times but like the hulk once he's angry it's gonna take a lot to calm him down.

So they are our character. They have all finished collage in June and stayed close friends after. Regina decided that they should all go on a trip a week before Christmas. All starts next chapter. Hope you enjoy xxx

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