Two out

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[ Zelena's pro ]
Later that day I went into Regina's room to talk. Emma was in the living room area with everyone else. "So why didn't you tell me about you and belle" Regina says while I'm sat next to her. I shrugged and said "I don't know. We didn't tell anyone. Why didn't you tell me about Emma" she laughed and said "last night was the first time. We weren't dating" I held my arm out and she hugged me. "I love you little sis" I say before kissing her head. "Love you two big sis" she says holding me close.

[ Emma's pro ]
I was sat down next to Mary Margret. We were all bored now stuck here doing nothing. David was at the door trying to push it open. "David give up your not getting it open" Mary Margret says with a sigh. I got up and went to the window. There was a small gap between the snow and the top of the window. "Hey if I smash this window either belle or Regina could climb out" I say looking round at them. They all sat up and David came over. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a chair.

Killian took it from me and smashed the window. Lots of snow poured in and the glass fell to the floor. There was still lots of snow coming threw until there was no gap between the floor and the top of the window. "I'm not going to be able to get threw that. Get Regina to" belle says walking over to the window. With that Regina and Zelena came in quickly. Regina said "what was that"

[ Regina's pro ]
We both looked confused at all the snow and broken window. "Gina try climbing out" I went over confused and brushed some of the snow out of the way. I moved lots to make a gap for me to climb out of and walk on top of the snow. "I could probs fit threw there. Belle come with me your small enough" I say standing on the side of the window. I poked my head out the window and stood up poking up to look at the snow all round. I grabbed the roof and pulled myself on top.

It seemed to go on for ages. I helped belle out and said "whoever else can fit come on" as belle sat on the roof the snow started falling and closed the gap. "REGINA" I heard Emma say. "EMMA" I shouted back scared. I look at belle and said "what do we do" she looked scared at me and said "I guess we run" I started shivered and said "but it's freezing here" she stands up and says "come on we have to run" I nod while taking a deep breath. We stepped onto the top of the snow and started slinking. "Now" belle says and we both run.

[ Killian's pro ]
"Regina!" Emma says trying to move the snow. It wouldn't move. Regina and belle were trapped out there and we couldn't get them in. "This is crazy. We need to get out of here now. It's Christmas in 4 days" David says annoyed. He went over to the door and started violently trying to open the door. "David stop it" Mary Margret says. He didn't listen. I went over and grabbed his hand to pull him away. "Get of me" he says pulling his hand backs and trying to open the door.

I grabbed it again and pulled him back. "Mate stop it now" I say moving him away from the door. "Look there's no way your getting that open. I have an idea" I say moving him backwards. They all looked round and I said "the ceiling. We can break it" Zelena came over and said "how are we going to be able to walk across the snow? I'm sure Regina and belle got across coz there lighter than us"

[ Emma's pro ]
I walked over and said "well maybe there service out there" Mary Margret shock her head and said "that's not going to do much. It's just going to make this place even colder than it already is" she had a good point. I looked stressed and said "there has to be away out some how. Regina and belle are out there in the cold" Mary Margret held my face and said "she will be ok. Just stay calm and hope they will get help for us" I smiled softly and my eyes teared up. I was so worried for her. I'm in love with her and don't want to loose her.

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