Who's left

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[ Belles pro ]
As we got to the road a car came. Mary Margret quickly stood in the middle and got its attention. I kept hold of Regina since she was freezing and couldn't stand. "Can you help us my friend is freezing to death" she says to the driver. I looked in and said "Brad is that you" it was my ex boyfriend who when we broke up we're still good friends. "Yeah. Belle? Ow my god. Get in all of you" he says shocked. I went around and put Regina in the front seat. It was warmer there.

You could see she started warming up straight away. We both got into the back and he started driving. He quickly took his jacket of and gave it to Regina. "Your crazy for going out in such little clothing" he says to Regina. "I think she knows. Just don't let her sleep until she is warmer" I say rolling my eyes. He quickly looked round and whispered "she hot" I sighed and Regina said "I can hear you douche bag" he looked shocked and I laughed with Mary Margret. "Ow I'm sorry" he says awkwardly. Regina looked at him and said "it's fine it's my girlfriend that will kill you not me"

[ Emma's pro ]
"Ok I got it. Emma push my up more" Killian says after breaking a hole in the ceiling. I pushed him up onto the roof as David and Zelena came back over. Zelena was getting a jacket and David was using the toilet. "Zelena come on your next" I say patting on the chair. She came over and stood on it. David lifted her up and Killian helped her onto the roof. "I'm not going to be able to jump that high and pull myself out" David says looking up at it. "I'll stay with him then. We can't just leave him here if his own" I say looking up at them.

"What no Emma I'm not leaving you here" Killian says panicking. Zelena held him back and said "we have to" me and Zelena both knew Killian had a secret crush on me. I looked at her and gave her a look. She nodded and said "come on we have to get out. They'll be fine I promise" Killian nodded while looking at me. He looked upset and they climbed down. I hugged David and he said "are you ok" I shrugged and said "I don't know yet. I just want Regina back" he pulled me into a hug and said "I know I'm worried about Mary Margret"

[ Regina's pro ]
"We need your help" I say to one of the officers in the station. I was warmed up and back to normal. "What's wrong miss" he says sitting up. "Our friends are stuck in a cabin. We were snowed in and couldn't get out. We're the only ones who could" I say quickly. He wrote it down and I gave him the address to the cabin. He then got a phone call on his work phone. "Hello officer dan speaking... yes we have... still 2 left... ok we will see you soon then" he says over the phone.

We all looked confused and he said "2 of your friends have gotten out as well but there is still 2 in the cabin. There on there way and we will send someone to get your other friends" we all looked at each other. "It must be Emma and Zelena" Mary Margret says. I smiled and said "I hope it's Emma. I think I really love her and I haven't realised it until now. Like having kissed her then leaving her made me realise I do love her" belle smiled and hugged me. "Awe that's so sweet" she says holding me close.

[ Zelena's pro ]
"Thank you for letting us use your phone and for driving us" I say to a guy who picked us up. He smiled and carried on driving. "Excuse me what's the date today" Killian asks still a little cold. "Umm my good man it is 23 of December" he says glancing back at us. We both smiled and he said "we haven't missed Christmas" shortly after we got to the station. We went in and saw Mary Margret, belle and Regina sat on chairs. "Belle" I say walking in. I went up to her and hugged her tight.

Regina and Mary Margret hugged Killian. They pulled away and Regina came over to me. I hugged her tight and said "I'm so glad your safe" she looked around and said "where's Emma" I looked at Killian before saying "she's still with David" she looked really upset and I hugged her again. Belle went and hugged Killian. I looked over and saw Mary Margret scared. "Mary Margret there ok I promise. Both Emma and David are fine and the police are on there way to them" I say looking at her and Regina. I just hope I was right and that they are safe.

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