Whos next

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[ Regina's pro ]
We have been walking for about half hour. I was shivering lots. I stopped because I felt like I couldn't go on anymore. "Regina come on you can't stop or you'll freeze" belle says a little in front of me. I was so cold and led down. I couldn't stop shivering. My lips were blue and my face was frozen. Belle quickly came over and said "Regina come on babes your gonna die out here if you don't stand up" under my breath I said "I can't... I'm to cold"

She looked up and said "look there's a road there. We can quickly get to it of the snow. Maybe there will be someone to help us" I looked up at her and nodded slowly. I then started closing my eyes. She picked me up and said "Regina don't you dear fall asleep. Wake up" I was stood up and holding onto her. We started walking again but I was week and couldn't walk without her.

[ Emma's pro ]
"I can't keep doing this. We need to find away out now" I say stressed. This place was getting colder since the window was broken. We all had blankets and covers over us. I stood up and went to the door. I was angry and stressed so I kicked the door. My foot went threw it and snow started pouring in. They all came over and David said "Emma you can't destroy this place" I shrugged and started breaking more wood of. I managed to make a hole in it for someone small to fit.

"Mary Margret you can fit threw here and your crazy fast" I say looking round. She started walking over but David held onto her. "Emma this is dangerous sending her on her own" he says holding her close. She moved him of and I said "who else is there to fit threw this. Plus no one is as fast as her so she can try catching up with Regina and belle" Mary Margret came over and looked at the hole. "Someone get my coat. I can fit threw this easy" she says standing up.

[ Zelena's pro ]
I handed her coat to her and she put it on. She pushed all the snow out of the way and quickly climbed out. I went over and tried to see if I could fit. Me and Emma were the same height. If I could fit so could she. I was to big to fit threw it. "Were all to big or muscular to fit threw. We're gonna have to find another way out of here" Killian says looking over. So now there's 4. We all sat back down and warmed ourselves up. It was getting colder by the minute. If we didn't find away soon we would freeze to death.

[ belle's pro ]
"Let's just have a nap" Regina says trying to lie down. I kept her held up and said "no Regina talk to me. Tell me about you and Emma" she was so cold. All she had on was thin pyjamas. The road was still quiet far away. She was so cold because she had barely anything on. "Emma. I love her" she whispered softly. I look back and see she is falling asleep again. "Regina wake up" I shouted. She opened her eyes slightly and said "it's so cold. Why are we doing this"

I couldn't let her die. "What are you doing for Christmas then Regina" I say now pretty much dragging her threw the snow. She looked up at me and said "your only interested because you don't want me to die" me and Regina were very close friends. I kissed her head and said "of course not. Regina your like my best friend and if you die I will never forgive myself" she smiled and said "your my best friend. Your good enough for my sister. I love you belle" I carried on dragging her threw the snow.

[ Mary Margret's pro ]
It was so cold but I carried on running. I saw to figures walking into the snow. One was holding onto the other and walking. I ran even fast knowing it was belle and Regina. "BELLE! GINA" I shouted as I got closer. Belle looked round and smiled in relief. I got to them and was a little out of breath. I saw Regina was frozen and shivering lots. "Ow my god Regina" I say shocked. Belle was holding her up and she was just about awake. I took my coat of and rapped it round her.

This warmed her up a bit. I rubbed her shoulders while putting it on to help warm her. I then put my arm around her and help her walk. She could walk now but if we let go she wouldn't have. "Come on you can make it" belle says to Regina. "We'll be there soon. Hang in there" I say looking at her. She smiled and started closing her eyes. "Regina wake up" belle says stopping and lifting her up more. She opened her eyes and said "I'm so tired. Just one nap" I made her look at me and said "Regina is you have a nap you will die out here. Emma needs you alive and well so don't sleep"

[ Killian's pro ]
We were all cuddled up together keeping each other warm. "Hey David look at us pulling to lesbians" I say joking around. Emma and Zelena were cuddled up together them me and David on either side. He laughed and Emma elbowed me while smiling. I laughed and David said "I know what lady killers we are" I laughed and Zelena shivered. David warmed her up more and cuddled into her. We were all friends and all cold so it was fine. "I just want this to be over" Emma says with a tear falling down her cheek.

"It will be soon... we will all be fine" David say rubbing her shoulder. "But it's Christmas soon" she said really upset. I looked at her and said "to be honest, none of us are going back to a family Christmas are we. Emma your staying at college with Regina since you both hate your families. David your going to Mary Margret's but hardly going to see the family. Zelena your going to your adopted parents who don't both with Christmas as much as most do. I'm going home to a group home where no orphan gets a Christmas. Belles going of to England for a few days. I think we should all just pick a place and stay there together"

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