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[ Regina's pro ]
We have all gone to bed now trying to sleep. I was led there next to Emma. Our backs facing each other. We were all pretty drunk so I don't think it really sunk in that we're stuck here. I couldn't sleep since the storm was getting stronger and louder. We had no phone service out here. "Emma? You still awake" I whispered. "Yeah. It's to loud to sleep" she whispered back. I rolled over and faced her back. She rolls over to face me. "Apart from the storm I had fun tonight" I whispered again. Emma smiled and said "me two. Your actually a pretty good kisser"

I smiled while looking down. I blushed slightly. "I can do better than that though" I say looking up at her. She smiled and moved her hand to the back on my head. She leans in and I met her half way. After a few minutes of passionate kissing I pulled away and said "should we be doing this" she nods and says "if you want to. I have liked you for awhile now" I never knew that. I guess when we kissed she felt the same connection as I did. I leaned back in and kissed her slowly and passionately.

[ Zelena's pro ]
Me and belle were led in her bed kissing. We're both naked and she was led on top of me. I rolled her onto her back and went under the covers. She started moaning with pleasure a little to loud. I put my hand over her mouth so no one heard. Even with my hand over the moans got to loud so I moved back up to kiss her. There was a knock on the door. We pulled away and belle whispered to me quietly "don't say anything"

I nod and she says "who's there" a few seconds later a guy said "Killian. You alone" she looked at me before saying "no not really. I'm in here with Zelena" "ow can I come in" he says joyfully. We looked awkwardly at each other and she nods. I say "were kind of naked. Don't tell anyone we trust you Killian" after a few seconds he says "omg you guys are together. That's awesome. Ok I'll let you get back to it" he then walked away. Me and belle just laughed and started kissing again.

[ Killian's pro ]
Can't believe I just caught them having sex. None of us knew they were together or that they were even into girls. I was wide awake since the storm was loud. I went to Mary Margret and davids room to see if there up. "Were kind of busy right now Killian" David says. I rolled my eyes and went to Emma and Regina's room. They were probably just sat in bed talking or something.

I was about to knock on the door when I heard kissing. I put my ear against the door to check that I wasn't being crazy but that was definitely kissing. So everyone has gotten with someone and I'm alone. I went into the main area and looked around. All our empty beer cans and food rubbish around the lounge area. I'll admit I felt a little lonely. Also upset. I wanted to try tell Emma I liked her but she likes Regina. I went to the window and saw the snow was getting higher and higher.

[ Emma's pro ]
I can't believe I just spent the night with Regina. Never in my dreams did I imagine this. We both woke up naked. Her head was just above my boobs hugging me tight. I had hold of her tight with my head resting on hers. I moved some of her hair behind her ear and kissed her softly to wake her up. She opened her eyes and looked around before smiling at me. "Morning beautiful" she says smiling brightly. I say smiling "morning most gorgeous gal ever"

She laughed slightly and I cupped her cheek. I leaned down and kissed her again slowly. As the kiss deepened there was more passion. After a few minutes we pulled away and got out of bed. We quickly got into some pyjamas. She put a grey rob around her and I put my long hair into a high pony tail. We went out of the room and both looked at each other. "Sshh" we both say putting our fingers.

[ Regina's pro ]
We then went into the main area where we saw Killian sat on the sofa with the tv on in the lounge. "Morning Killian" Emma says before sitting next to him. I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. "Morning love birds" he says not looking at us. Me and Emma looked at each other confused then at Killian. Emma says "what are you talking about" I walked over as he says "I heard you two kissing last night. And Regina"

Emma looked up at me and said "I told you that you were to loud" I raised my eyebrows and said "I wasn't that loud. He must have been just outside of the door" Killian looked round at me and said "Regina you were that loud trust me" I walked back over to the kitchen saying "well if Emma did to you what she did to me last night you'd scream like that. She's that good" I looked round and saw Emma blushing. I smiled and winked at her.

[ Killian's pro ]
I didn't need to hear that. I looked back at the tv and turned it up. Mary Margret came in with David. They were only in robs and nothing underneath. "Just saying clothes would be better" Regina says from in the kitchen. Mary Margret looked over and said "and a little less screaming would be ever better Regina" she went right red. Mary Margret laughed and said "I'm happy for you" I wasn't. Emma was suppose to be with me but Regina's gorgeous face and perfect body stole her.

As they sat down Zelena came out and said "morning all. Regina if you and Emma are going to do that at least give us ear plugs" Regina looked over confused and said "how did all you lot know it was Emma" David looked over at her and said "you scream Emma at the top of your voice" Regina just smirked and sipped her coffee. Belle walked out and stood next to Zelena. "Morning everyone... including you screamer" she says walking over to the sofa.

[ Regina's pro ]
Ok maybe I was a little to loud but what Emma did was talent. Pure talent. I can't believe my sister even heard it. I went over and sat next to Emma with my coffee. She put her arm around me and I cuddled into her. "So are you two like a thing now" belle asks as Zelena sits down next to her. Me and Emma looked at each other before she says "yeah I guess you could say that" I smiled and kissed her cheek. I then rested my head on her shoulder. Killian says to belle sitting up "what about you and Zelena"

They both looked at him annoyed. He smirked and said "you shouldn't hide this from us" I lifted my head up and David said "are you to together as well" the girls smiled and nod, we all smiled and I said "that's amazing. Awe Killian we need to set you up with someone when we get home" he took a mouthful of his drink and said "if we ever get home. You guys ain't see how much snow there is. We're suck in here with no signal. We have no way out of here you know that right"

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