Road trip

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[ Regina's pro ]
We were all on our way to the cabin. It was really cold this time of year so were all rapped up warm. I said I would drive so I was one of them in the car. Emma was in the passenger seat next to me. Behind us was belle, Zelena and Killian. Mary Margret and David had to be in the back but I'm sure they kept themselves warm. There was blankets and pillows for them.

We had the music up loud. Zelena had cans of beer in the back. Belle, Killian and her were drinking them. I couldn't because I was driving. Mary and David were to busy. "So Em why you not drinking" I say while glancing over at her. She smiled while shrugging and said "don't know. Guess I just feel like waiting till we get there" I had always had this little crush on Emma but I prefer to be single so I don't get my heart broken. Me and Emma were pretty close.

[ Emma's pro ]
Me and Regina were laughing and talking the whole way. I had such a big crush on her but every time I've tried to tell her I chicken out. She's so beautiful and funny which makes me love her. When we finally got there we all quickly went into the cabin with our stuff. It was pretty big place. There was 5 rooms. Mary Margret and David were sharing a room and 2 other people had to.

"I'll share with someone" Regina says smiling. I say "I don't mind sharing with you Gina if that's cool with you" she smiled and winked at me. "We get the biggest room with the king size bed then" Regina says. There was 2 rooms with king size beds and the rest have double. We all went to our rooms. Me and Regina unpacked everything. "Catch" she says before throwing a beer over to me. I caught it in one hand and started drinking it. She drunk hers with me.

[ Zelena's pro ]
I put my bags down and started unpacking. The door opened and I looked round to see it was belle. She smiled sweetly and closed the door. We walked towards each other and I kissed her. We have been dating for a little bit but secretly. She pulled away slowly and said "I love you baby" I smiled and said "I love you more" I pecked her lips and hugged her. We held onto each other tight and rocked side to side. She was small but adventurous as hell. I loved that in her.

I picked her up and led her down on the bed kissing her. We moved down to the end of the bed with her head on the pillow. I pulled away and said "if we be really quiet we won't get caught tonight" she smiled and rapped her arms around me. "Really really quiet" She whispered smiling and leaning in to kiss me. I kissed her slowly.

[ Killian's jones ]
I finished unpacking and went into the kitchen. There was food there that so I made myself a sandwich. Mary Margret and David came into the lounge area. I took my sandwich over there and watched tv with them. Regina and Emma came out and sat next to me. Then Zelena and belle came out and sat down. "Come on let's play truth or dare and spin the bottle" Mary Margret says smiling. We all sat up and Regina quickly drunk the rest of her beer.

[ Regina's pro ]
I put the bottle on the table and they all sat around it. "Ok so we're doing kiss spin the bottle coz we're all adults now it's fine" Emma says smiling. I smiled and spun the bottle. I landed on Emma. She smiled and I was kind of hoping it would land on me. Emma spun the bottle and it went round a couple of times before stopping on me. I smiled and looked opposite me at Emma. Everyone said "oooooo" as I stood up and held my hand out to Emma.

She took it and stood up. I moved around everyone and stood in front of her. "Alright come on Swan lay it on me... if you can handle me that is" I say smiling. She put her hand behind my head and I leaned in to meet her half way. I kissed her deeply. They all cheered as we kissed. After a few minutes of kissing we pulled away slowly. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I went around and sat back down. Emma sat down and spun the bottle.

[ Emma's pro ]
Kissing Regina was the best thing ever. We all kissed different people but kissing her was amazing. After lots of rounds we decided to play another game. We were all drinking while playing. "Let's play truth or dare" Killian says. I laughed and said "were not 10" he laughed slightly and said "come on it will be fun" Zelena smiled and said "it will be fun em. I'll go first. Emma truth or dare"

I smiled and said "umm truth" she smirks at me and says "if you had to make out with one of us here who would you pick" I looked around the table and stopped at Regina. Of course I knew straight away who I'd pick but had to make it not so obvious. "I am gonna have to go with... Regina" I say awkwardly. She smiled and I smiled softly back at her. I say "belle truth or dare"

[ Killian's pro]
We played for ages. Different games once we got bored. We were all unaware that there was a big snow storm outside. David looked over at the window and I saw he looked confused at it. He stands up not saying anything and went over to it. "Baby what's wrong" Mary Margret says looking over at him. He stayed looking out the window and said "guys you might want to check this out" we all got up and looked out of this small window.

We saw a giant snow storm. The snow that had fallen was about 3 feet high at the moment. We all looked shocked and Regina said "crap! How the hell we gonna get home or anywhere" I moved away from the window and went over to the door. It wouldn't moved. "Were stuck in here" I say and they all looked over. There was no way out and we didn't know how long we would be stuck here.

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