I just want to go home

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[ Emma's pro ]
I was cuddled up with David since I was so cold. He wasn't as cold but still a little. "I just want to go home" I say with my eyes so watery it was blurry. "I know it's ok we will be soon" he says holding me close. I started crying softly and said "I'm so cold and home sick and I miss Regina. David I can't do this anymore" he held me close to his chest and rubbed my back. "It's ok. It's ok. Emma just stay calm we'll be home soon" he says before kissing my head. I started shivering and he pulled more of the covers over me.

[ Regina's pro ]
"What do you mean you have no way of getting them? There's a hole in the roof, window and door. I'm sure you can figure away to get them out of one of them three" I say to the officer while annoyed. "I know we are trying but it's going to be hard. We have to find them as well" he says calmly and trying to keep us calm. "We can show you the website to show the address. Why are you making this harder than this is? The girl I love is in there with the guy she loves" I say pointing at Mary Margret.

"Look I respect you guys but they are freezing in there. In that cabin it's cold enough let alone with all those holes in the building" Zelena says annoyed. He looked at us confused and said "was it you who break the cabin" Killian stepped forward and said "that's what you got from that. Not the fact that there freezing" he was about to say something but other officers came in and said "dan we found them come on" he quickly followed them. We all sat down worried. Belle sat on Zelena lap and cuddled into her.

[ David's pro ]
Emma fell asleep on me. She was quiet still. "Emma?" I say softly. No response. I shake her shoulder and said "Emma?!? Wake up" she still didn't wake up. She was really cold and I knew what was happening. If I didn't wake her up now she would never wake up. I sat up and sat her up. "Emma! Wake up!" I say loudly. I didn't want to hurt her but slapping her was the only other way. I smacked her round the face while saying "Emma!" She woke up but was tired.

"What the hell" she says trying to go back to sleep. "Emma no don't sleep. Regina's on her way" I say lifting her head up. She yawned and said "wake me up when they get here" I shook her again. "No. Stay wake" I say holding her up. "I'm so cold" she says shivering. Before I could say anything we heard sirens and trucks and cars heading towards us. We both looked over and was a big truck coming towards us pushing snow out of the way. Police cars following behind. "Emma look. They have come to get us" I say pointing out the window.

[ Emma's pro ]
I looked outside and saw them. We could just about see out the window that wasn't smashed. After a few seconds we saw two people threw the roof hole. David grabbed all of our phones and we ran over to the hole. They threw some rope down and I grabbed hold of it. I stood up on the chair and rapped the rope around me. They pulled me up and out of it. It was even colder outside. They did the same to David. We got into one of the police cars and warmed up. "Were finally going home" he says smiling.

I smiled and said "yeah. Remember when Killian said for Christmas we should all get together well why don't everyone stay with me and Gina at the college" he smiled and said "that's a good idea. We'll speak to them when we get home" I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. "Your like a brother or a dad to me" I say making him laugh. "Your so weird" he says laughing. I giggled and warmed myself up more.

[ Regina's pro ]
We were all sat there waiting. A bunch of officers walked in and past us. We stood up and looked at the door. It then opened and Emma walked threw with David. I ran over to her and jumped up to hug her. I rapped my arms and legs around her and held her tight. She held me close to her and said "ow m god I missed you" my eyes teared up since I was so happy and said "I love you Emma" she moved her head back to look at me and said "you do" I nodded and said "yeah I love you so much"

She leaned in and kissed me. I deepened the kiss and held onto her close. As we pulled away a few tears fell from my eyes. "Why are you crying" she says smiling softly. "Coz I'm so happy your here and safe" I say smiling. She leaned back in and kissed me again. I was so happy she was safe and back here. "I love you" she says pulling away and smiling. I smiled while crying a little and said "I love you more" Emma smiled brightly and kissed me again. Having kissed her then leave her for this long made me realise I've always loved her and always will.

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