Sticks and Stones

903 19 12

I'm not particularly sure what this one's about... I wrote it late at night. Maybe some kind of turmoil or issues with bullying?


They talk of sticks and stones
How they may break you bones
But can your bones break such stones
That are only harmed by sticks.

If sticks and stones
Can break your bones
Does that mean they heal too?

If only push and not the pull
And sticks are meant to hurt just as much as stones
Does that mean our bones break just as sticks
But unlike stones
Can fix?
Do their sticks and stones only lie
Like cuffs or lifeless
Dead and alone.

Do they really believe
That their sticks and stones
Don't break nor heal
But it's their words
That do the worst.

Their words will never hurt
You say...
But do such words breed hate?
Do such words know what words heal
Or what words may just have love to create
But can we fix them
If they seem to need no fix
Because they've always said
Words will never hurt me

So is everything we've learnt
And everything we've been told
All lies about the sticks
And deceit from the stones
Will sticks and stones one day break my bones
And will words ever hurt me?

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