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I woke up to the sound of someone throwing up. I sat up, and turned my gaze towards the hallway. Light flooded down the narrow path and I pushed aside my blanket before running to the washroom. “Noah? Emily?” I called out as I approached, only to see Noah huddled over the toilet. Emily was bent over, rubbing her back soothingly. My stomach churned and I pushed the door wide open. “Guys? What’s going on?”

Emily looked up at me with worry on her face, “I think there may have been something wrong with the food, Charlotte… She’s throwing up, and I feel so nauseated. Are you okay?” she asked, reaching out for my hand. I nodded and squeezed Noah’s shoulder softly.

“It’s four am, get her dressed, I’ll drive us to the ER.” I instructed.

“Charlotte, no, no… just like you said, it’s four am…” she hesitated.

“Mom, better be safe than sorry.”

In half an hour, I had Noah in the backseat of my car with Emily beside her. I wasn’t generally a frantic or reckless driver, but I had two very important people who’s health could be at risk in the back of my car, so I definitely didn’t hesitate to speed up a bit. Plus, the hospital wasn’t necessarily the closest place around the block. Thankfully, there was no traffic on the roads. I couldn’t stop the uneasy feeling in my stomach, but I’d get it checked out later. My palms were sweaty with anxiousness, as if having Jason in the hospital wasn’t enough, now his sister and mother would be following.

Once we pulled up to the parking, I told Emily to go ahead and take Noah inside. I found them later, signing some papers when I noticed an imbalance in Emily’s step. She was dizzy… I could tell. She must’ve said something to the nurse in front of her because she quickly stepped aside to pull out a wheelchair and sat Emily down. “There, that’s my other one. She’s family.” Emily said, pointing over at my approaching figure. The nurse nodded.

“Miss, can you please sign these papers, we have to get them to a doctor right now.” She shoved the clipboard in my hands for me to fill out as she escorted Noah and Emily out of the room. I leaned over the counter and carefully began penning in the information, first for Emily, then for Noah. Halfway through Noah’s, the knot in my stomach tightened and I pushed myself away from the counter before doubling over in pain.

“Fuck.” I muttered.

“Miss, are you alright?” someone asked, walking around to help me up.

I ran a hand through my unruly hair. “I – I don’t know… I don’t think so – oh my god, I’m going to be sick.” I whispered, but then everything blacked out.

When I woke up, I was tucked into a bed, surrounded by the white walls. Nostalgia rushed back and I panicked, jolting up straight. I gasped for air, and then reality hit me. I remembered who I was, and where I was. Goosebumps crept up my arms… God, I hated hospitals so much. It was too quiet for my liking, so I pushed myself off of the bed and winced as my bare feet touched the cold ground. I took two steps away from the bed and then I felt a slight tug on my wrist. I looked down and groaned. I had an IV running through, just great. I stepped back and took hold of the IV pole before rolling out of the room.

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