Chapter Six

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(Ty's POV)

    I lead Seto into the woods, heading to the spot where I first fell in. Those are not some fond memories.

"So Seto, why exactly are we going to the river?", I hesitantly ask.

"Well, that's a little hard to explain. I'm looking for someone who used to be part of this army. I'm looking for him now because the amulet you're wearing looks a lot like the one he wore", Seto explains.

"What was his name? What was he like?", I ask. I'm really curious as to who Seto would want to find so badly.

"His name was Adam, but we all called him by his nickname. He is probably the kindest person you could ever meet. When I met him....... I was in a pretty dark stare of mind. Adam and his friends brought me out and made us a team. I'm just trying to repay the favor", Seto says while staring off into space. These people must of meant a lot to him.

    "Well, then let's go find him!", I shout.

Seto chuckles before saying, "Right on, De-Ty". We reach the river and start looking along the shore. There isn't a whole lot we can do when the river is running do swift. We go up and down from our starting point to where I was found, but we couldn't find anything. "Should of brought Quinten with us.....", I hear Seto mumble. I guess Quinten is part fish or whatever, so he could probably swim better in the river. Why does calling Quinten a fish make me imagine him screaming at me?

     We head back, with Seto's bat, Phantom, landing on his shoulder. I still have no idea where he got a bat. Aren't they nocturnal? On our way back, another question pops into my head.

"You said that Adam had a group of friends. Who were they?", I ask.

Seto chuckles before saying, "We were all a little crazy. But we were as close as brothers. There were seven of us before we were scattered. With the reappearance of Adam's amulet, I think it's sign that we might be coming together again". Sounds like they must of worked really well together.

"What were all of their names?", I ask him.

     "They were Adam, Deadlox, TrueMu, Bajan, JeromeASF, Husky, and me".

"What did they look like?".

I don't know if he didn't hear me, or is ignoring the question when he says, "I suppose you've never seen my bat. Phantom mostly likes to stay around me or familiar people". I grunt in response and we sink into an awkward silence.

We head back to camp, and Seto heads off to his 'tower', which is just a quaint building with a single story, muttering to himself. I groan and walk back to where I had discarded my watering can. Why do they have to be potatoes? They're the most boring food in the whole of Minecraftia. They taste plain, and only a little better with spices. I reach down for the watering can, only to have the amulet dangle in front of me.

I stand back up and hold the gem in my hand. Seto said there were seven of them. One disappeared. They were so close that they would risk their lives for each other. And Adam was the leader, who was called by a nickname. I slowly turn my head towards the statue in the center of camp. The legend of six people starting this army to fight the squids, where the leader disappears. The number is off, but is Seto really that old? It can't be true.

I abandon the potatoes and run over to the statue. It's on a pedestal four blocks above my head, in the shape of a triangle. I know I probably shouldn't climb this, but it's for science. I quickly mount the pedestal and almost immediately hear General Ant yelling at me to come down. No going back now! I hear him climbing up behind me, but I'm already standing in front of the statue. I tear off the amulet and quickly put it around the statue's neck just as a hand pulls me down from the top. I land halfway to the ground with General Ant holding me by my shirt collar.

"What do you think you are doing! No one can tou-", he yells before being interrupted by someone kicking him in the gut. General Ant falls onto the ground, and I turn to see my savior. There stands Sky. A legend come to life. The stone is somehow replaced by soft flesh.

He quickly steps in front of me and says,"Dealox get back! The squids have to be hiding somewhere around us! Where is everyone else!? Why don't you have a weapon!?". Sky points his golden sword at the gathering crowd, and I realize that he called me Deadlox.

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