Chapter Seven

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(A/N My origin story for Seto is my book "The Sorcerer")

(Seto's POV)

I'm securing the purple armband to my wrist when loud shouts issue from outside. I quickly run out the door, a fireball already in my hand. A crowd is gathered around the pedestal, with two figures on top. My heart skip a beat before I start running full tilt towards them. Standing atop the pedestal is the respawn of Deadlox and Sky. Ty actually found him! Was he in the statue all this time? I shove my way through the crowd ignoring all the protests.

     "Sky! Over here!" I shout once I'm close enough. Sky whips his head in my direction and I stumble out of the crowd. Sky jumps down while dragging Ty with him.

     "Seto! Thank Notch your here! Everyone else is missing except Deadlox, and we're surrounded!", Sky says with a panicked voice and fear written on his face. Did he call Ty Deadlox? Is this still the same Sky from my time? And not a respawn? Sky is currently freaking out and threatening to kill his own army, so I'm guessing yes. I'm about to speak, when General Ant storms into my view with a diamond sword drawn.

     "What are you doing in our camp!? No outsiders are allowed in", he yells while bringing up his sword to face off with Sky. That is quite enough. I've had hundreds of years to practice my magic, and now I can put them to use. My eyes flare purple, and a fifty block radius is created around me where time literally stops. Everything is frozen expect for me, but they can still hear and know that they're frozen. I can feel the strain even after a few seconds.

     "Ok, listen up! I'm only going to say this once. This is just a big misunderstanding, and I can explain it all. I need some people to come to my tower and discuss this. When I unfreeze you all, no fighting and no arguing", I say with a snarl in my voice. I use my magic to mentally connect to Sky and tell him to follow me. I also tell the other five and Ssunndee to wait till I call them.

My magic fizzles out, and my eyes change back to a chocolate brown. Everyone stumbles from their original position, a few look at me in fear at the power I hold. Sky nervously glances at me, but he knows that he can trust me with his life. He follows me back to my tower, with the others watching my every move. This going to give me a massive headache by the time I come up with an explanation. I enter the tower and have Sky sit in a chair next to me. He'll probably get very scared when he realizes that I'm the only one here who knows him.

(Sky's POV)

     Where the heck am I? Where did all the squids go? Why are there so many people everywhere? And when did Seto become such a badass? Questions swirl around in my head as I watch Seto pace around the room. I can see his armband glitter in the light, the small bat on top remaining still.

     "Seto? What is going on?", I finally ask him. I'm usually the one worrying about him, but now it seems our roles have switched. Seto walks over and plops down in a chair with a groan.

     "Ok, this is going to be hard to explain.....", he starts, "But it's been a really really really really really really really really long time since the battle that you were just at. Are you following?".

     I stare at him blankly before replying with, "How long exactly?".

     "Around 300 hundred years", he bluntly answers. I swear that my jaw drops to the ground.

"And before you panic, yes, I am Seto! I promise that I'm the same person that you drug out of a ravine! I even still have the scar on my neck", Seto gushes before pulling down the color of his shirt to reveal the thin scar.

     "I believe you....... but what about Deadlox? Wasn't he just standing next to me?", I ask.

     "About that, the rest of our team eventually all died from old age, accidents, and a poisonous potato for one. But to answer you question, that was Deadlox standing next to you. He's just been reborn in this age. Same with the rest of them. And before you ask, I can't tell you why I'm so old, you'll just have to trust me", Seto finishes. I just stare at him with wide eyes.

I've missed so much.

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