Chapter One

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(Ty's POV)

   I jump out of bed at the sound of General Ant's yell. I quickly get out of my PJs and into my day time cloths. I'm one of hundreds of swords men in the SkyArmy. Supposedly, the one who started this army was named Sky. They say that he disappeared at the end of a battle against the Piscus, but we call them squid. As soon as he was gone, the squid army called a retreat even though they were winning. At the time, the SkyArmy was only seven people. The other six continued the army to fight the squids. To honor Sky, if he did ever exist, is a statue in the middle of camp. It's on a raised platform four blocks above the ground. The statue is of 'Sky' swinging his famous 'budder' sword. Most people don't believe he ever existed, though. It's probably just a cool back story to get people to enroll in the army.

   I burst out my tent and run over to the training grounds. I quickly fall into line, right before General Ant comes storming over. I'll never understand why he was chosen to lead a whole army. He has the skills of a middle rank swords men, and has no idea how to lead. Never mind his attitude. I stand next to Ssunndee, who's a 2nd swords men. He wears a navy blue shirt and sunglasses. He's cool for the most part, but I catch him talking to himself sometimes. I can see my friend Jason just slipping into line right as General Ant looks over there. Jason wears a light blue shirts and jeans. He also has brown eyes and hair. He's probably my closest friend here. He's a little bit of a geek and loves space.

   I stiffen up as General Ant walks past me. He only spares me a glance before continuing down the line. We then sort ourselves out into our battle units. Each unit has one doctor, three bowmen, five swords men, and the group captain. That makes ten people per group. And then every five groups are under a commander, who is under General Ant. I get in my group with Ssunndee. The only other people I really know in my group are one of the bow men, Mitch, and another swords men, Jerome, who happens to be a bacca hybrid. We also have three girls and 3 other guys in our group with us.

   Our group is led by our captain, and we march out into the forest to train. Each group rotates where they train day to day. Today, we are training alongside the river. We'll have to wade into it until we're waist deep, and then practice sword fighting. It's relatively safe as long as we don't get swept up in the current. Today I have to spar with Jerome. This will be really fun. He'll probably kick my butt in a minute flat, then brag about it to the whole army.

I grumble while grabbing my wooden sword, and wading into the river. Jerome follows me, bearing a wooden sword as well. As soon as I take up a defensive position, the sword comes flying for my head. I quickly duck and swipe my sword at his knees, only for him to dive under the water. Before I even know what he's doing, my ankle is pulled out from underneath me. I collapse into the water with a splash. While underwater, I feel Jerome's furry paws push me farther into the river. He probably meant it as a prank, but it wasn't funny to feel the current start dragging me away.

I kick my legs and force my head to the surface, only to realize that I've hit a deep spot in the river. My feet scramble at the gravel bottom, only for my head to fall back under. I hear Jerome's shout before the river sweeps me away. Fighting will only tire me out, so I spin around so the current is pushing me forwards. With my lungs screaming for air, I once again breach the surface. I splutter and cough while trying to find anything to grab onto. The current continues to get faster, and pushes me down the river. I manage to look to my side to see Jerome and Mitch trying to keep up with me. I see the surf of water right before it hits me dead on. I'm plunged under water once again. My head hits a rock in the river bed, and I can see blood around me, right before my vision goes dark.

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