Chapter 12

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(Ssunndee's POV)

I'm not sure how I feel about all of this. Seto says that I'm suppose to be the one who assures our victory, but I don't really feel like I belong. All the others seem to be figuring out their weapons pretty easily. Seto is watching me like a hawk as I try to use my shurikens on arrow targets. They keep landing too high or too low.

     "Let me try. I love pointy things. I can keep you safe from the squids".

     That voice is a stark reminder, and I tear my thoughts back to the present. I have to focus. He's been a lot more active for the last day. I can feel Derp pushing in on the fringes of my consciousness. If I get distracted and drawn into my own thoughts too much, he'll take over. It's almost like a game of tug-a-war, but I've always been more aware. My next shuriken falls short by a good few feet.

     "You seem pretty distracted, Ssunndee", Seto walks up a step to stand next to me. "Is there something bothering you?". I get the creeping feeling that he's looking for something.

     "No, I'm fine. This entire situation is just a little strange. Anyone would be a little stressed", I tell him.

     "Is that so? You're not...... being pulled into your thoughts? No dissociating with your surroundings or situation?". Seto's next question is so specific that it makes me flinch.

     "He knows. He knows, let me talk to him already", Derp's presence is suddenly overwhelming in my head. It's almost like being zoned out or my body being on auto pilot. What's the word that Seto used? Dissociating? Seems fitting.

Derp takes off my sunglasses and pockets them. Seto notices the change immediately. Derp's stance is firmer then mine, and he fingeres the few remaining shurikens with a faint fondness. He knows what he's doing. Derp pulls one off the belt and throws it in one fluid motion. It sinks deep into the target's center.

"Who am I speaking to? I assume you're the protector of the system? I've been sensing your presence in faint bursts all day. I assume Ssunndee's sunglasses are one of his triggers?". Seto knows exactly what's going on with me, and I have no idea how. He sensed the both of us?

"Ssunndee calls me Derp". It always freaks me out when he speaks with my voice. "I try and be the protector when I can, but I'm not wanted".

"It's no wonder Ssunndee can't use Shuriknes. They're your weapon. A crossbow was my second guess, so I'll have to get one for him. The squids could attack anytime now that we're all together". The sorcerer isn't shocked at all; he takes it all in stride. It makes me angry. Why doesn't he care that I'm stuck watching on the sidelines?

"About this war.......", Derp trails off, but he lashes out and actually grabs Seto by his neck. Derp leans in until they're eye to eye. I'm so much taller then Seto. "I would never fight a war just because you think it has to happen. You're lucky Ssunndee has no backbone to argue. I'll kill you if he gets hurt". He lets go of Seto's neck before the others even notice. He finally stops forcing the switch, and I regain some feeling in my hands. I shakily pull out my sunglasses back out as Seto watches. I put them on and feel myself gain complete control. It's a relief that Derp didn't draw attention from everyone.

Seto is the first to speak. "I wasn't sure about you two, so I kept trying to force the switch. I apologize for that".

"Derp's not real. He's just some fake part of my mind". I can almost feel his metaphorical glare as I give my reply.

"Well, I hate to say it but Derp's pretty real to me. I won't bother asking when he appeared. I've seen a few cases like your's, and it'll take time for you two to figure it out. It's easier if you acknowledge him first". Seto is a little more sympathetic now.

I don't answer him, instead going to the targets to pick up the fallen shurikens. This is my body and my life. Derp's not real. He's not. But what if Seto is right?

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