Chapter 11

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(Ty's POV)

I know Jerome feels bad about fighting against me a second time, but he already said he was sorry. I'm also really curious how this spear works. I've never held one in my life, but the awkward balancing seems somewhat familiar to me. I even noticed a notch in the dragon carving where I messed up the chiseling. Wait, I carved this? No, Deadlox did, in my past life. Is Seto really telling the truth? How do I know Deadlox is the one who carved it?

Jerome half heartedly swings at me with his axe. He's not use to the weapon, and doesn't put much force behind the blow. I jump back a step and flip around the spear so the bladed end is pointing at him. How am I suppose to keep him at a distance? I can't block an axe blade with a spear handle. Jerome swings at me again with more strength. I find myself ducking, moving under the axe and skittering out of range. From the corner of my vision, I can see Sky following the move with his eyes.

     I can use my spear better now that I'm farther away. It feels secure and comfortable in my grip. I swing the sword end at Jerome, and he catches it on the side of his axe. I pull the spear back just as fast and jab it forward this time. He has to lunge to the side to avoid it. Even as I get more confident with my spear, I can tell Jerome is starting to get used to his axe. He suddenly drops down on all fours, axe in one hand, and springs at me like a cat. He closes the distance easily. My instincts know what to do before I do. I plant the arrow side of my spear firmly in the ground before jumping up and using it to swing myself out of the way. I land back on my feet a spear's length from where Jerome's leap took him. Cool. Maybe I really did use this weapon in a past life.

     Seto interrupts us before we can go much further. "Alright, you can stop. I just want you all to get familiar with your weapons again".

     "You all move and fight so much like my friends. It's hard to believe all of this is real", Sky keeps thinking back on how I used the spear as a vault. Did I do that all the time when I was Deadlox? He must be missing...... me? This is all so strange.

     "I'm starting to really like this axe. I can swing it a lot harder than a sword", Jerome praises his weapon. It's better suited to his hybrid strength.

Mitch already knows how to use a bow, but he says that the drawback strength is a little more then he's used to. He seems to be adjusting well after a few minutes at the practice targets. Seto is helping Ssundee figure out his shuriken belt. It's the first time that I've seen him leave Sky's side all day. Looking at the legendary leader, I can't but feel bad for him. He's just watching the rest of us with a faraway look. I make my over to him, compelled to cheer him up a bit.

     "Oh, hey...... Ty". He stumbles on my name.

     It takes me some time to come up with a conversation topic. "So you're Sky. I've grown up hearing legends about you, and now suddenly I'm part of it? It's kinda cool".

     "Deadlox used to talk about legends all the time", Sky smiles a little, "He really liked the ones about the other mysterious continents. Have you guys found out if there's one or two others?".

     "Yeah, there's two. Can you tell me about him? Deadlox, I mean?", I ask him.

     "He looks exactly like you, but I guess that's not surprising. We grew up together. It's kinda funny. All I wanted was to help all the different cities, and you came without me without any hesitation".

     "Did you forget about the part where you gave me my spear as bribery? I wouldn't call that no hesitation". The words are out of my mouth before I can think. My own startled look mirrored Sky's. How do I know that? It's impossible.

      "Seto keeps saying that you guys really are my old team", Sky looks at me with a new understanding, "And I think I'm starting to believe him. I'd be honored, Ty, if you would let me get to know you better".

     "Why not? You seem like a nice guy, even if you're over 300 years old, Grandpa". Sky's responding laugh is enough to make me smile.

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