Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"We're here!", the sailor announced through a speaker attached to the ceiling. It somehow didn't get anyone's attention as everyone is already prepared to jump off the ferry. It had been an awfully long hour to be exact.

There were exactly 22 people on the ferry. It was roughly around 2pm as the ferry reached.

George: Man, I can't wait!

Chopper: Me too!

Jared: Hey, quiet both of you.

All of them have reached the sandy beach as their teacher, Mr Thomson and Mrs Sarah asked them to pitch up the tent. The teachers then left to take a walk around the island before heading back to the base.

Hazel: Urgh...under the sun.

Harold: You don't say. It's tiring.

Megan: For you. Just kidding.

Harold: Hey!

Scarlett: Let's finish pitching this tent and explore later.

Half an hour went past and Mr Thomson and Mrs Sarah have returned. Experiment after experiment did they do and amazement was on the teens' eyes.

Night had hit and it was time to call it a day. Mr Thomson and Mrs Sarah had their personal tent, and 3 other tents were pitched, each housing 6 to 7 people. The Main 7 stayed in one tent of course.

Jared: Can't wait for tomorrow!

Hazel: I know!

George: So much to do!

Scarlett: So much to-

Chopper: Wait...

Jared: What, Chopper?

Chopper: I just read this from my phone that has been connected to Mr Thomson's Wi-Fi. This island is...uncharted?!?

All were shocked as they sat up and surrounded Chopper.

Chopper: Look! We are in the middle of an ocean, which is impossible.

Harold: True. But then why would-

Chopper: Why would Mr Thomson send us here?

Megan: Oh gosh...

George: C'mon. It ain't that serious. We staying here for a day or two and we out of here.

Scarlett: Hopefully.

Megan: Woah Scarlett, don't scare us.

Chopper: Hey, don't worry. I got this...

As he says that, he takes a fancy-designed switchblade out.

Chopper: Hey Scarlett. You better watch out!

*evil smiles*

Scarlett: Oh yeah. You're the one to talk.

*Scarlett smirks as she brings out a matchbox and a black pole-like bag from her side*

Chopper: Oh crap! Are you a mad woman?

Scarlett: Don't piss me off. I'm not happy having to share a tent.

Megan: Woah Scarlett, PUT THAT AWAY!!!!

Scarlett: Okay, fine. Sheesh, don't you think these weapons are lovely?

Chopper: What's in that black pole-like bag?

Scarlett: I told the teachers it's my telescope.

Chopper: I don't think so.

Scarlett: Oh, whatever. Wait, don't TOUCH THAT PRECIOUS BAG!

A day has past, but an event took one noticed.


The sun above shone brightly, burning the sand into a reddish yellow, the sea calmly wrapping the sand, swallowing and spitting.

Megan: Where is Mr Thomson and Mrs Sarah?

Harold: I don't know.

Scarlett: Isn't he in the tent?

Chopper: Let's check it out. By the way you kicked me in your sleep so you owe me one.


The tent is empty and it smelled of Mrs Sarah's perfume. Things were going down fast.

Scarlett: Now what?

Harold: I don't know?!

Jared: What's going on?

Scarlett: Mr Thomson and Mrs Sarah are missing!

Jared: No way......

Jared announced it to the whole beach with an echo, and everyone stopped what they were doing, and had all eyes straight at Jared.

Jared: What do we do?

George: I say find them. We got knives and stuff like that. I say find them.

Chopper: Me too. Who's with me?

Everyone but the main 7 didn't raise their hands. Perhaps the rest didn't bother.

.....Into the jungle they went.....

Chopper: Harold, the leaves are too thick!

Harold: Shut up. It ain't thick. It's just that the knife sucks.


Scarlett: (Hopefully Chopper's knife sucks. It's all about looks. HAHA)

George: We could find another path.

Harold: It wastes time. Let's just co-

(Bush rumbling noises)

Harold: What!

Megan: What was that?

Harold: Hold on!

Jared: I say we back away.

Hazel: Good idea.

All of them back away...except Harold.

Megan: Harold, what-

Harold: I'm seeing what's going on.

Megan: It can be dangerous.

Harold: *ahem* Who has the knife?

Harold creeps up onto the bushes with his knife in the air. He cuts a stem. Then two. Then swims through the bushes and...



Megan: What is it?

Harold: It.....


Mr Thomson....


••Lost continues••

Author's note: Do support us! We have a full length plot ready to entertain you!



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