Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Yiesley just stayed still. The air was thin, no wind, no swaying of trees or anything. Just her on the grass.

Harold: She's dead isn't she?

Megan: I don't know. I think we can bring it to Steven (The class medic know-it-all) and see if he can help.

Jared: What about Sca-

Chopper: Scarlett later. Besides, she's a fighter, she can deal all of those shit by herself.

The gang...without Scarlett...exited the jungle. Jared was carrying the so-called Dead Yiesley on his hands, as the others trailed behind him. Everyone back at base stood up, half shocked, half mesmerized by what happened.

Jared: Update: Mrs Sarah dead, and Yiesley...I don't know if she's dead.

Steven took action and Yiesley already failed the first step: The Pulse.

Steven: Yeah mate, she's dead. Ain't getting any pulse signal. Throat or hand.

Jared laid Yiesley nearby on the sand, as some of her classmates gathered around.

Harold: A knife behind a head. Someone is here, isn't it.

Megan: Someone we don't know.

Chopper: mhm.

Jared: Could someone else entered the jungle and kill her?

Harold jumped in front of him and clapped twice, gaining everyone's attention.

George: What, Harold?

Harold: What Jared said: Could someone else here have killed Yiesley? Right now, it could be Any! (As he shouts, he starts pointing at random people) One! Of! Us!

Chopper: Then he or she should have killed all of us now.

Harold: You hit the nail.

Everyone was whispering to each other, majority scratching their head. Harold gave a cough to regain attention and continued.

Harold: What I mean is: Someone else is here. Not just someone, someone we absolutely don't know.

Jared: And now, we need guards.

Guards were appointed within 10 mins, and one enthusiastic person, was the class joker Ethan.

Ethan: I'm going to find that person and stab him once, then I kick his head, and then I-

Jared: Ok ok ok Ethan. Just stand guard that's it. Oh and don't get killed.

Ethan: I try too hard not to. See, I have already died many times-

Jared: We get the point.

Some others were appointed as wood collectors to keep the fire alive, some were fishermen (and women), and some were assigned to gather coconuts.

Harold: OK guys! I need 3 people to come and help us and find Scarlett. Now-

As he turned his head around, he was about to point to Jared...but he wasn't there.

Harold: CRAP! WHERE'S JARED! Ok ok ok, 3 people!

Harold darted off with the other 4 plus 3 people that decided to volunteer.


(In the jungle)

Scarlett: C' more DUCK! Argh...C'MON!

Scarlett was hunting ducks for food later. She was curious why ducks were in the jungle in the first place...but she didn't care. As long as there was action involved, she'd be the first to be entertained.

Scarlett: Stupid du-


Scarlett: CRAP! What was that?

Scarlett scampered up a nearby tree, covered herself with ferns, and stayed still on the branches for a while.

Jared walks by, and Scarlett not knowing who it is, attempted to attack.


Scarlett: Hunting ducks?

Jared: Don't you know you should stick to us you idiot! You can't run off like-

Scarlett: I'm not an i-

Harold: HEY! Found you and...Scarlett?

Harold, with Chopper, George, Megan, Hazel, and 3 others: Keane, Justin and Millie a.k.a Queenie.

George: So there's Scarlett!

Scarlett: What's going on?

Harold: Where did you go?

Jared: She went to hunt ducks or some shit.

Harold: Ducks-



Keane: No. DUCK!!!!


Jared crouches, as a person from behind tumbles over him, and crashes onto the ground. Scarlett grabs him from the back as Jared whacks him in the head. The person lets out a shout, before throwing his knife into the air, pushing Jared and Scarlett away, and running off.

Jared: Wow. Who was that.

Queenie: Knife.

Justin: I don't think that guy is called knife.

Jared: Wait. Knife?

The blade twists and turns in the air, cutting the air before heading straight into...

Queenie's eye.

Queenie let out a horrible cry before clutching it, and the rest all gathered around her.

Harold: NO. How is this

Megan: How did it

Jared: No one touches HER! Haze, get Steven!

Hazel: Got it!

Hazel runs off like a mad woman.

Scarlett: DAMN! I had a spear!

Chopper: Is she going to survive?

Scarlett: It's deep...

Harold: She's gonna become a pirate for sure.

Jared: No Harold. Don't.

Jared tried to search for her pulse but...

It couldn't be found.

Steven had already reached. It was too late. 2 people dead.

••Lost continues••

Author's note: Comment to tell us how's the story!

Cheers, with Coke~~Swoopy_17


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