Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Scarlett: Thank god I have a matchbox, spears and these crap.

Scarlett lights a stick with a match and fends off the butterflies.

Scarlett: Shoo! Get lost! Hurry up and die!

Jeff: Seems you have a sharp eye.

Scarlett: BACK OFF!

Scarlett points the stick with a big fire on its end towards Jeff.

Jeff: I will stay three meters away from you since you have that nasty thing in your hands.

Scarlett: Why are you doing this?

Jeff: Amusement. How do you know this is GM?

Scarlett: The last tiger you sent. By the way, you have a very twisted sense of amusement.

Jeff: Yeah. How do you know?

Scarlett: It's teeth was glowing. Do you see that every time?

Jeff: I see. Seems I got some business to do. See ya.

Jeff runs off.

Scarlett: WAIT! Crap! The butterfl-

*The lit stick is burnt out*

Scarlett: NO! Whoever can hear me!! JEFF IS APPROACHING!!


George. I heard someone shouting...a scream!

Chopper: I didn't know that Scarlett can scream like a girl.

Megan: That's because SHE IS A GIRL!

Jodie: So what happened to her?

Harold: You think...

Erika: She's dead?

Kyle: No way...

Jared: She isn't dead yet! No. She isn't.

Hazel: Woah Jared...after that incident with her...

Jared: It's the past-


Ethan: Woah! What's that?

Jared: Is that Scarlett???

*Jeff comes out of the jungle*

Jeff: Where's those shitty brats... Why, they are in the water.

*Smiles evilly and walks to the water, with the whole class shuddering*


Scarlett: OW! Another butterfl- OW! ARGH! NO! I need to save my classmates! OW! Or they'll be corpses.


Jeff: Am I invited, people?!?

Harold: Never! You are never invited!

Jeff: Ah, whatever. Anyways, your main hunter is dead.


Jared: Told you he's strong...

Jeff: Thanks!

Jared: You're not welcome.

Ethan: Ya... Strong. Come get me! I'm stronger then Scarlett! Last time you came to screw around with me and now you're here again!

Whole class and Jeff: Nobody wants to screw around with you!

Jeff: *scowls*

Ha. Enough talk. Time to do what I had to do.

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