Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Things were happening quicker than you think. The gang had to break terrible and horrible news...No. It's news that can change their lives forever. 2 adults missing, 1 dead, possibly the other one too. It was going to be tough breaking the news.

Harold: How are we going to expla-

Jared: This is bad.

Hazel: I feel for you.

Harold: Hey. Cutting me off mid sentence isn't it? How are we going to explain this crap that is happening?

George: Start off with: "Guys, Mr Thomson is dead. No time to grieve, we have to find Mrs Sarah and then we start planning."

And that was what Harold said, word for word. A girl at the corner heard and nearly burst into tears.

Yiesley. Yiesley White. Pronounced EES-LEE. Her parents couldn't think of a good name, so there you have it. Scared of everything. People call it panphobia. The class calls it Scaredyphobia.

Chopper: And there goes the Yies.

Megan: Yeah. Totally.

Harold then continued, asking the whole class to vote for a leader. Of course, it all went to Jared.

Jared: Ok. What we need to do, is we have to make sure that we keep this base going well and don't let it be taken down. We will have guards if someone else dies. But first, I need people to help me search for Mrs Sarah, and make sure she's alive...or not.

The Main 7 all joined in, a couple of students here and there, and suddenly...


Yiesley stood up, still looking terrified, and said without stopping:


Everyone, at first, were absolutely flabbergasted.

Jared: YOU? I mean...well sure...but

Yiesley: I want to help the class.

Jared: ...Alright then. Follow us.


The team set off into the jungle, and took another path, not the path that had leaves strewn everywhere from Harold's fierce slashings. They tried to find another area close to where Mr Thomson's body laid, but to no avail.

Jared: Any luck?

Scarlett: It's not with us today.

Scarlett felt that it was no fun doing this, and took her opportunity to flee. No one noticed her leave.

Jared: Any luck Hazel?

Hazel: No...


Yiesley: I found Mrs Sarah...dead. She's...

Harold: Oh no.

Yiesley: Yeah. I think. No pulse...means she's dead isn't it?

Harold: Duh. But...

Megan: We are alone aren't we...

Harold: We are.

George: Oh boy...

Jared: GUYS!

George: Yeah?


George: I don't know, you were talking to her!

A frantic Jared demanded the group to search for Scarlett.


Yiesley: Don't you think it's a bit boring.

Harold: No, it's just-

Yiesley: Let me sing for you!

The whole class had quite forgotten... She likes to sing too. Oops.

Yiesley: I KnEw YoU wErE tRoUbLe

Megan: Oh god...

Harold: Sweet heavens

Jared: Oh boy...


Jared: What?

Hazel: JARED! I saw something!

Harold: Me too. I saw a shadow!

George: Is it Scarlett?

Chopper: Whatever it's gone.

Jared: Oh boy...this is going to-


Jared: what...YIESLEY!

Yiesley, face down on the floor, not moving, hair in tangles, hands by her side, still not moving...

Hazel: Oh no.

Chopper: Did that shadow kill her?

Harold: What?

George: Wait! What killed her?

The group moved closer...

A knife on the back of her head.

Thrown by the shadow.

••Lost continues••

Author's note: What will happen to the group next? What will happen to Yiesley? Where will Scarlett be? Next chapter awaits!

Cheers~~Swoopy_17 :D


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