Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Morning had hit and it was time for a discussion. Everyone gathered near the fire.

Scarlett: Hey George, can I say something?

George: W-What is it?

Harold: OK guys! We have to get things settled first!

Scarlett: GUYS!

Jared: What is it?

Scarlett: I examined the tiger yesterday, and the tiger is real.

Harold: Uh no it's fake? DUH! It's real!

Scarlett: Isn't it odd?

Harold: What?

Scarlett: Why would there be a tiger in the middle of a jungle?

Harold: It's a jungle?

Scarlett: A jungle surrounded by water??

Harold: They can swim.

Scarlett: Why would they swim this far? We took a ferry to this place!

Harold: They can swim long distances.

Scarlett: Maybe, but it's unlikely for tigers to do so.

Jodie: You think it was summoned by-

Chopper: Woah woah woah! Hold on! Summoned?

Keith: Summoned by the Jeff guy you were talking about?

Melvin: No way.

Scarlett: It's possible.

Melvin: Prove it.

Scarlett: I saw ducks a few days back, that's how we got the food.


Harold: Wow.

George: So he summons things??

Harold: That's wizardry! That's not possible!

Megan: So do we go out and find him again?

Jared: I guess so. We have to stop his...summoning???

Scarlett: It's-

Erika: What if he already has the animals with him?


Harold: Like he already has the animals, and he doesn't summon them?

Erika: Yeah, like you know, shipping the animals from somewhere to here?

Shannon: Bringing ducks and tigers here is weird.

Harold: It is possible. Maybe that's the reason why he's killing everyone.

Is that he owns the island, he wants to be alone, and anyone who comes here gets killed.

Hazel: So he is a murderer?

Harold: Yeah. We can't use our phones to call the police, can we?

Megan: Then how did Jeff call Mrs Sarah's phone? Hold on...

George: What?!

Megan: Jeff has his own Wi-Fi!

Harold: So if we connect to his Wi-Fi...

Megan: We can call the police and end this once and for all!

Scarlett: Well, calling is about data plan, but try calling now. I think he is using the new online phone where you connect to the Wi-Fi to call.

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