Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

After dinner, the whole class decided to play games tonight and the next day to keep them occupied, before finally getting things done with Jeff.

They chose their best clothes to wear for tonight. Scarlett, after taking a bath at a spot they built, comes out wearing a short, cute Rilakkuma dress, while she wore shorts underneath it.

Steven: Wow Scarlett, you look cute.

Scarlett: Heh...thanks.

Kyle: are wearing shorts underneath that huh.

Scarlett: Wait WHAT?!

Scarlett gave a kick onto Kyle's stomach as he flew backwards as though as Scarlett did a Kamihamiha. Ethan drank his secret stash of wine, became slightly drunk.

Ethan: look...cute today, aren't y-

Scarlett punches Ethan on the face as Steven glared at Ethan.

Jared: My gosh...when can we stop seeing Ethan and Kyle getting punched and kicked by Scarlett.

Shannon: Never.

Harold: Huh. Yeah.

The whole class gathered around the fire (again...and again...) and decided to play confessions. It is simple. Everyone has to admit something they have never said before.

Steven: OK. Scarlett was my first love ever.

Ethan: HA...r-right Steven, you must have flirted with many other nerds like y-

Steven delivers a punch to Ethan. Scarlett clapped for him.

Ethan: OWWW...

Steven: Calling me nerd eh?

*Whole class laughs*

Jared: Shannon?

Shannon: Me and Keane were in BGR...before he died. We both had much care for each other...and witnessing him die in front of my



Shannon: What?

Keane: This thing in my......neck.*

Shannon: I just wished he didn't even die in the first place...

George, Harold and Megan comforted her as she nearly broke into tears.

Jared: Ok. Melvin.

Melvin: Ok. I am afraid of heights. Yes I don't really show it, but I am.

Harold: Hey, same here. I am still a little afraid.

Jared: Keith?

Keith: Ok. I do not like eating fast food.

Harold: Well...that's a bit offending to me.

*Class laughs*

Jared: Jodie?

Jodie: Hm...I was in BGR with Melvin, but we decided to break up a few months ago.

Melvin: Yeah.

Hazel: How did we never know that ever?

Melvin: HAHAHAHA. Private BGR stuff.

Jared: Alright. Erika.

Erika: Me and Darren were BGR, but we broke up a few weeks ago.

*Class aws*

Darren: Yeah, we wanted to focus on studies...then this happened.

Jared: Ok...Darren your turn.

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