Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Night was already pasted on the sky. They had to sleep. There was nothing else for them to do. The whole team went back to the beach and demanded them to eat before calling it a day. Calling it a day was tough. Really tough.

Scarlett: Ethan, move aside. I'm guarding tonight.

Ethan: But I already practised my-

Scarlett: No. I'm guarding so go get sleep. Now.

Ethan: Urgh. Wasting my time isn't it.

It was silent. Really silent. Close to dead silent, but not quite. The only sound was the crashing of waves. The whole group gathered in the tent and set instructions.

Harold: OK. What now?

Jared: I have literally no idea what to do now.

Harold: But aren't you the-

Jared: Leader. I know. It isn't easy OK. 2 deaths in one day isn't gonna help me retain my position as a leader.

Megan: We need other food other than just fish.

Chopper: I think there's coconut trees in the jungle.

Megan: You think?

George: I spotted some.

Harold: Fine. We'll get some tomorrow. I don't really know where we should go other than collecting food, but I guess currently is just survive.

George: We can talk about the weirdo who killed Queenie.

Harold: I don't really care about Queenie.

Jared: He means the person who killed her, you idiot.

Megan: Who the heck was he?

Hazel: He looked damn big. And damn agile.

Chopper: And he climbs trees like a boss.

Harold: And that's it? It doesn't really put much of a good description. What if that "person" isn't a person?

Chopper: What, a robot? A monkey?

Harold: Maybe?

Jared: We are talking logic here. "Person" makes much more sense.

George: True.

Harold: Then how the hell is he so fast, so accurate, so strong, so-

George: You're missing a point. You think he's a teenager. I think he's a man. Like-

Chopper: In his 20s?

George: Precisely.

Megan: So the point is...

George: We have to be careful. We can get easily killed by an adult like that person. Anyways, I think our conversation ends here.

Another day enters. The whole team calls up a few more people to join them to gather coconuts (as demanded by Harold).

Jared: WOW. I didn't know that there will be so many of them.

Harold: OK guys, we should split. I think we go take this tree, you guys take another somewhere inside. Don't get killed.

The team took longer than average to climb the tree. Once they made it up, they immediately grabbed coconuts.



George: Crap.

Harold: Is that the "person"?

Jared: The person, you mean.

Harold: No, it may be something else.

Jared: I'm going.

Hazel: Don't Jared, you don't have a-

Harold: Knife?

Harold passes the switchblade to Jared.

Harold: Go.

Jared approached the dense leaves that was blocking a branch. He pushed aside several leaves, and then...


Jared: What the-


Harold: Seriously.

Ethan: Haha. HA. Oh man. That was cool.

Megan: You nearly had a chance of losing your life, idiot.

Ethan: I like to live on the edge, and I guess this edge is the edge of the- BRANCH! HAHAHAHAHA.

Chopper: Screw you. We thought it was the psychopath.

Ethan: Psycho who?

Hazel: The person who is killing everyone.

Ethan: uh...OK.

Jared: OK, we gather more coconuts first, then we-


Harold: ETHAN!

Ethan: Not me! I swear!

George: uh guys you do know what does that mean right...?

Chopper: You saying...

George: You think he is here?

Megan: Uh guys...

As Megan turns around, she saw the leaves part aside, and out came...

Someone. A person. Holding a knife.

Ready to attack.

••Lost continues••

Author's note: It's been a long time since we updated hope you have been enjoying so far.

Beer Cheers~~Swoopy_17


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