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It breaks my heart when I hear and see little kids being arrested and tortured in Palestine, people being shot dead for no reason, sudden bombings in the land just to remind people who has the upper hand. How many of you heard that even Google maps have replaced Palestine with Israel now?

What are we doing dear brothers and sisters? Why are we not doing anything at all? Why are we mum?

You cannot excuse yourself saying you are an ordinary person for we all have a powerful weapon with us - prayers. Please do use it for their welfare and please stop using Jewish (Zionists) products. You are indirectly contributing to the formation of the state that is being formed forcefully. You are indirectly contributing to the killing of thousands of innocents!

Imagine Allah neglecting you on the Day of Judgement because you neglected his slaves.😓 Imagine Him turning away from you because you turned away, ignoring the pleas of his slaves.😢 Imagine Him not showering His mercy on you because you did not show mercy on His slaves.😭

We'd all crumble dear readers because the truth is that if we've lost Allah, we've lost everything. There is no meaning of our existence.

Control your cravings, give up on your luxury. Boycott Jewish products. Your Cadbury's and Nestle and McDonald's and Disney and whatever they produce, give them up (I'd put up a picture of all the things you have to avoid but security policies aren't letting me do so). Allah will replace those things with something better for you. He will bless you for your effort. Please. They need our help. This is the least we can do. Think of how many Saifs and Junaid and Fida would be trapped in there. You can make a little difference in their lives. A little ease could be given to them Insha'Allah. Do what little you can do.

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