| 01 | The Proposal

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  * flashback*

"No!" My two-year-old cried "No again!"

"I'm sorry my little dragon. I have to go." I hugged him tightly

"You forget me."

"I will never forget you, I promise. And one day we will live together. And I will buy you all the toys that you want." I told him "Which reminds me..." I pulled out a dragon stuffed animal "I know your birthday was a few months ago but I brought you something."

His eyes lit up "Dragon!" He said excitedly and began playing with it before he stopped again. "you leave again." He frowned once more

"I promise we will be reunited again."

* end of flashback *

It's a little over two years since we had left the isle of the lost. Two years since I left my son, Malvin. I go to the isle of the lost secretly every time I get a chance. Unfortunately, it's not often since I'm always busy being the lady of the court.

Today is Ben and I's two-year anniversary! He asked me out on a date today and as always, Evie had already prepared a dress for me. She was just putting the last finishing touches before my date with him. She came over and started doing my hair and my makeup.

Our kids are almost four years old. They're big now and we sometimes FaceTime them so we could see them. However, it's not the same as them being by our side.

Things between Ben and I have been getting serious and I'm happy with him. Though, I hate lying to him. He still doesn't know about Malvin and I know I have to tell him soon. He knows someone from the Isle calls me a lot but from what he knows, Malvin is my brother.

"E," I suddenly said, "I think it's time I told Ben I have a son."

She immediately froze "Mal, that could be exposing him to danger."

"Ben wouldn't hurt him. Besides I can't keep lying to him. He deserves to know since things have been getting serious between us!"

"It's not safe for them. Ben wouldn't do anything to him but the people who still dislike us would. We can't expose a defenseless child!" She argued, finishing my make-up.


"If you tell him, don't tell him about Evelyn because I don't want her to have another target on her back."

"Maybe he could bring them to Auradon." I argued, "We'll finally be able to have them by our sides."

"M, I love you and I know Ben has a good heart and would never hurt them, but as your best friend I'm just looking out for you and your son."

I sighed and looked down "You're right."

After a few moments, my make-up and hair were done. I quickly put the dress on and slipped on some heels before thanking Evie and waited for Ben.

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