| 23 | Father Figure

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Unedited - January 19, 2018
Edited - July 12, 2021



It was the day after the wedding. The sun was shining, it was beautiful outside. I woke up somewhat early. I looked to my side and found Ben still peacefully sleeping.

I quietly got up trying not to wake him up. I went to the bathroom and began brushing my hair when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. It was Ben

"Up so early." He said before turning me around

"Mhmm. I was careful not to wake you." I mumbled

He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Today's our honeymoon."

I smiled "Where are we going?"

"That a surprise." He smirked "Just know that you'll love it."

I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "Get ready. I'll be waiting for you in Malvin's room." I told him before giving him a peck on the lips and leaving.


"Good morning, Ben!" Exclaimed Malvin excitedly as Ben entered his room. I barely got him ready for the day.

"Good morning, Malvin. Ready for breakfast?"

He nodded. "Yeah!" Ben picked him up and gave him a piggyback ride. We walked downstairs and entered the dining room where we were greeted by Belle and Adam.

"Good morning!" We said cheerfully

Ben placed Malvin down on his seat before pulling the chair out for me to sit on. The servants served us our food and we began eating.

"So, where are you guys going on your honeymoon?" Belle asked us

Ben grinned "It's a surprise."

Adam smiled "Ohhhhh." He said in realization

"Where...?" She looked back at Adam who gave her a look.

"Ohhhhhh." She began to smile "You'll love it, Mal."

"But I don't even know where we're going!" I laughed

"Am I going?" Malvin asked

"No, it's only for adults, Malvin. Sorry, next time we go somewhere we'll take you. And you'll get to pick where." I told him

"But I want to go."

Belle whispered something to Malvin. I couldn't hear what she was telling him but he instantly smiled. "Never mind! I don't want to go." He smiled

I raised my eyebrow at Belle who just shrugged. "What did you tell him?"

"Grandma Belle told me that if you two go alone then maybe I'll get a baby sister or baby brother in a few months." He exclaimed happily

Mal and Ben: Bad at LoveWhere stories live. Discover now