| 16 | Miscommunication

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"Mommy?" Ben repeated and looked back up at me "You're his mother?!"

"No yell!" Screamed Malvin

"Come, my love," I said and picked him up. "Let's go back to Bed."

"You said no fights. No fights like with dad..." he said and continued to whimper.

"Dragon, your dad isn't here and won't harm either of us," I told him

I looked at Ben "We'll talk after he falls asleep."

Was I nervous? No, I was terrified.

Malvin had quickly fallen asleep but I was dreading talking to Ben. At least now I know why he wouldn't be sleeping. I closed the door to Malvin's room and made my way to me and Ben's bedroom.

He was waiting for me there. He looked up once I entered the room. "Why didn't you tell me about Malvin?"

"I tried but you would brush me off and ignore me. I was gonna tell you the day when I told you about Harry but..."

"No, I meant when we first started going out. You kept your son away from me! I should've known! You lied to me about who he was! You lied about his age! You lied about who he was to you! You've been lying this whole time!"



My voice cracked "I-I did it to keep him safe!" I exclaimed "If I tell you, I'd have to tell Auradon! "Breaking News Lady Mal has a naive and defenseless child on the isle of the lost everyone go find him and harm him!"

"They won't say that."

"No, but my son was supposed to remain a secret. The only reason I came to Auradon was because my mother told me if I didn't hand her the wand she would find him and kill him! Also, his father is doing everything in his power to kill him as well! I was not going to expose him to danger!"

"But you didn't tell me! I wouldn't have said a word, in fact, I would've brought him here the moment you'd tell me! You didn't trust me!"

"He's my son. Trusting is hard when it comes to him. I always had to be careful on who I told about Malvin's existence. As a mother, you want your child safe. And you as a soon-to-be father should get that!" I bitterly said

"Who's Malvin's father?"

I hesitated before saying, "Harry."

His face softened "Was he the result of..." his voice trailed off.

"Yes," I stated, "After Harry... did that... I got pregnant with Malvin."

He looked guilty

"Tell me why you got someone pregnant and not tell me?" I asked

"I didn't want you to break up with me. I was scared."

"If you stopped having feelings you should've broken up with me and be with whoever she is!"

"No, Mal, you don't understand! I don't love her!"

"Then why get her pregnant?" I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling down.

He looked down "You shouldn't be mad at me for keeping a secret when you have been doing the same."

"Yes, I lied. I kept a huge secret. I won't deny that. But there's a difference between a secret and cheating." I bitterly said, "Maybe I shouldn't have told you anything."

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