| 00 | Prologue

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A/N: Make sure you have read the chapter named "important a/n" as it contains all warnings and things to know before you start to read this book.



It was just us two. Me and my little dragon.

So when I heard that Evie, Jay, and Carlos, lost him, I was worried sick. I had gone to get my son and Evie's daughter a cupcake from the evil minion bakers. I came back and they gave me the news that he wasn't in the hideout.

"We have to find him." I said as we searched for him "If he bumps into his father or my mother we're in trouble." We were in the market searching for him. As time went on, my heart beat faster.

"We'll find him," said Evie as she hugged her daughter, Evelyn. Guilt was written on her face but I didn't blame them.

"You should've left her with Ann. It's not safe for her either." I scanned through the people but I couldn't see him.

"We'll be fine."

All of a sudden we heard people scream in fear. They ran away and left making the market empty. Which meant she was near. Chills went down my back as it was quiet. "Hi mom," I said turning around just to find my mother and her henchmen. She had a mischievous smirk plastered on her face.

She gave me a fake smile before eying Evelyn and gave Evie a disgusted look. "Where's your dreadful little creature, Mal? I haven't seen him since . . . Well, a long time." She began looking around hoping to find him.

Crossing my arms, I glared at her. "You know exactly why!" I spat "You would hurt him."

She smiled, looking down at her nails "Me, hurt him?" She laughed "He's my grandson, Mal. Why would I do that?" She looked up and walked around us with her henchmen right behind her. "Don't tell me you lost him, Mal. How irresponsible."

I was terrified but I was not going to let her know that. I gritted my teeth and looked down not maintaining eye contact.

She grinned "Oh, I have news! You four have been chosen to go to a different school... In Auradon."

My heart stopped. There was no way I was going to Auradon. Especially now that I don't know where my son is. I looked up and met her gaze. "What? I'm not going!" I immediately said, "and you can't force me to go!"

"If you refuse you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy." She winked

"Mom, I—" I was cut off by a little voice.

"Mama!" My son exclaimed and ran up to me. I quickly picked him up and hugged him tightly.

My mother smirked when she saw him. She eyed us before motioning her henchmen to grab me. Jay and Carlos tried helping me but they were soon surrounded as well. Evie carried Evelyn in her arms as she tried to get them to go away.

"Tell them to let him go, mother!" I yelled angrily as I struggled to get out of the henchman's grip. They forcefully took him out of my arms as I tried fighting back.

Malvin started crying and then they handed him to her. She played with his messy black hair. She lifted his chin and looked into his eyes as he whimpered. "He's grown so much. . . His eyes are something, aren't they? One blue eye. One green eye."

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