| 21 | The Royal Wedding Pt. 2

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"I object to this wedding!" Someone yelled angrily

As they came closer I finally got a good look of them.
I didn't expect him to be here. Not here, not now, especially not on my wedding day!

I can't believe it's...


"What are you doing here," I said, trying to hide the fear I felt.

"Ah! My love! You look incredible in that wedding dress." He complimented me "Sadly, you didn't get the memo. You are supposed to marry me not him." He glared at Ben

Axel stood up from his seat and stood protectively in front of me. "How did you get off the isle?" He yelled

"Brother," he smirked "I learned from you. I got off the same crack you escaped from."

"It was sealed." Axel laughed "How'd you really get out?"

"I made another crack the second I found out about the royal wedding. I am not happy with what I was constantly hearing on the news." He said through gritted teeth

"You came to stop it," I said in realization

He nodded "I want you to marry me."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes "That's never going to happen!"

"If you don't accept," he paused and looked around the room before laughing "I'll just simply kill everyone you love."

He observed everyone in the room. "Starting with him!" Harry said, pointing his sword at Ben.

Ben put his hands up in surrender "Harry, calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down!" He laughed "You're trying to marry the love of my life. I will not allow that!"

The guards came running in.

"One more step and your precious king is dead." He said with the sword to his throat. The guards froze. "Go back to your positions if you want him to live." The guards looked at Ben who nodded before going back to their positions.

"He did nothing wrong!" I yelled, "Leave us alone!" I said taking a step closer to Ben.

"Ah, what did I say! One more step and your precious king goes bye-bye!" He yelled, "and not until I take back what's rightfully mine!" He yelled, "I warned you, Mal."

"Get out of here!"

"No!" He snapped "I didn't listen to you then, what makes you think I'll listen to you now?"

I looked to my right side and saw an armor stand with a sword. "Harry, is that your mother?" I questioned and pointed at the door.

Mal and Ben: Bad at LoveWhere stories live. Discover now